Tragic day.
The police shot and killed a 15 year old student at my sons high school early this morning.
He had called 911 and said a minor (himself) needed help.

He had a BB gun, and police shot and killed him because he would not put it down.
Very sad situation.

Long day of work on the tractors today. It's the project that never dies... I really really hope that I can get them all done and the chickens moved tomorrow. I was going to stay up and do some additional hardware cloth cutting ( the last of it, for the aprons) tonight by headlamp. But that was before I discovered that my fridge was up to 72F. Freezer was fine, but didn't trust it, so was moving stuff I thought wouldn't have spoiled in the few hours(e.g., jams, condiments, etc.) to another fridge and was just considering whether to move the freezer stuff when that temp hit 32F, so I had to empty that as well. I am SO grateful that right at the moment I have a spare fridge/freezer running (though in the other house), but this was a huge pain. I think I stuffed the freezer too full and it interfered with circulation (this has happened before) - now the only stuff that's in there is stuff that will need to be tossed (I refuse to deal with that right now). Hoping it will get back in gear soon like last time - a new fridge is not in my budget.

Meanwhile, dinner has been warm cheese and crackers, warm beer, and melting ice cream.

- Ant Farm
Sorry about the fridge and freezer, dinner sounded good though.

Quote: Sweet! What age they get processed?


Hello Abi!

My last hatch was 6 AC eggs that were shipped. All six hatched and I got 1 rooster and five hens out of the deal.
That was in October.
Nice ratio!

Helping my buddy set up his boat for the season we are hitting the big lake next week.
Very nice!

I'm on day 18 here and have a quick question that is melting my brain. I'm using a Brinsea Maxi II and the paperwork it comes with says that the default settings for chicken eggs have it stopping turning 2 days before hatch. To me, that seems like a lockdown at day 19. We had a power failure last hatch and the settings had gotten messed up, so I ended up manually configuring it for the hatch.

In y'all's opinion, should I stop the turn since it's legitimately day 18 here as of one hour ago, or let the Brinsea settings ride?
My Brinsea Mini stops turning the end of day 18, start of day 19. You can really lockdown whenever you want after the start of day 18.

Well after removing the two hatched chicks and throwing in a couple wet sponges I had two more pip and hatch within an hour and I have another 4 pipped. Still 2 doing nothing but it's only day 20 so the others are a little early. Noisy little things they are haha
Congratulations on your hatch, good luck with the rest.

just looked at the moving picture, looked familur, wwwwwait thats my house awwww crap so much for trying to live off grid mama took the house
Hi Silver!

My chicken killer.

Big dummy pushed the door open to get in, but couldn't get back out. No fatalities today. I was tempted to believe we'd broke him of it, but not sure what else possessed him to go in the cage like that. He was a whirling dervish til I told him to stop and lay down, he wasn't just lying here calmly.

Glad he did it, though. If he can, a coon or possum surely will.
Bad dog!

Popping in to say hi after a 600+ readback
@BantyChooks I was "lurking" at one point but wasn't much in the talking mood. @daxigait thank you for thinking of me and glad the planks are working out for you. Sorry about all the terrible floods-we have had a lot of rain too but everyone and everything is safe. @Pensmaster @Sally Sunshine and Harmony @kwhites634 &@Fire Ant Farm hope you are all feeling better. @kajira

It has been a rough few weeks for me. Physically, mentally and emotionally. Still adjusting to new medications. Didn't think the gabapentin was doing much until I ran out and they called it over to the wrong pharmacy. Bill went for me the next day after work but 2 days without it and I was in tears! He upped my dose and even though most of my pain is the same and I still have very limited motion and strength and still get the vasospasms and swelling, I am not getting that electric shock feeling that was getting worse and am sleeping 4-5 hours now instead of 2-3. It doesn't sound like much but I will take any improvement at this point. Other weird changes though-breaking out into sweats for no reason and the nails on that hand seem to not really grow but I never had great nails to begin with. Hoping for a referral to a pain management specialist and may have to change OT's-mine has admitted she does not know the correct exercises for RSD/CRSP. Just been really sad/frustrated with my new "limitations"-very humbling
I was hurting so bad I did not get to go to my chicken show

On a lighter note, birds are good-a "few" extras
but got rid of 10 roosters-much needed!

Thanks to everybody who called texted or messaged to check up on me-helped keep my spirits up and meant so much to me-you know who you are.
Beepers are doing good and getting big
. Hubby had a day off and slept most of it after helping me and going out to lunch. Other than that, nothing exciting. Hopefully i will continue to feel better and hop on here a little more. Once this software change happens-please don't let me get lost in the shuffle
Hope everybody is doing well-happy and healthy.

Hi Mel! Glad to hear you are at least making some healing progress.

Last baby is out. That makes a 100% hatch for Jace and Bella... 5 set, 5 chicks out. Wonder what their secret is
Congratulations Jace and Bella!

Quote: Oh, no. I'm so sorry Banti.
Very sad situation.

Sorry about the fridge and freezer, dinner sounded good though.

Sweet! What age they get processed?

Hello Abi!

Nice ratio!

Very nice!

My Brinsea Mini stops turning the end of day 18, start of day 19. You can really lockdown whenever you want after the start of day 18.

Congratulations on your hatch, good luck with the rest.

Hi Silver!

Bad dog!

Hi Mel! Glad to hear you are at least making some healing progress.

Congratulations Jace and Bella!

Oh, no. I'm so sorry Banti.
Thanks Mike. Hope you and all the animals are doing well

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