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What is wrong with people?
I have an uncle who was a single dad for a while. He trimmed trees for a living and the family tells stories about how he would take his d d out on a job with him and nail her dress to a nearby tree so she had to stay in one spot where he could see her while he was up in the tree he was working on.
I tested positive too, thank goodness not a big deal!
what does the immune shot due?
hmm I don't like the fluid level, you should have plenty, is there anything you can do? I pray you go till you need to! I was three weeks early with Dustyn and he was a mess at birth, he was right at the stage where his growth boomed and his lungs didn't, so his lungs ruptured, pushed his lil heart over into the side and man, what a time that was. But he is with us Thank God for that!! he is a miracle baby for sure!!

Rh immunoglobulin is given either at 28 weeks or within 72 hours of birth to mothers who test negative for Rh-proteins on their hemoglobin. Typically such a situation doesn't effect firstborn children unless trauma or accidental blood mixing in utero but any child after who is born Rh-positive runs the risk of the mother's body producing antibodies against the Rh protein. This will mean that the baby could have severe issues like anemia because the antibodies are attacking and killing baby's blood cells.

Since my husband is Rh-positive and I'm Rh-negative there's a high chance of my kids being Rh-positive, which means that they'll test some placental blood at Honeybee's birth and if he's positive then I'll receive the immunoglobulin, which will prevent my body from producing the antibodies against Rh proteins.

As for having to go early, the doctor assures me that it being 38 weeks he SHOULD be fine. His growth has been 100% on track, and his fetal movement has him as one of the more active babies that she's seen. I've been assured that I probably will not go longer than either next week (which would make him only a week early) or his due date. I'm just wanting to do all I can to make sure he's born healthy, so if that means an induction or something more drastic then I'll do what it takes.
Good morning everyone! Currently the barn cats are somewhere under my house. We saw one grey blur running away last night, and it left behind a nice large dead rat in one of the cat carriers. I'm calling them basement dwellers for now. They arrived with no names, so until I actually SEE the cats, I can't name them individually. We JUST bought a camera system for the coops, we're going to set it up in the basement to see if we can catch the cats working down there.

I hatched Tolbunt Polish a few months ago - got 4 girls and 4 boys. Each one is SO INCREDIBLY different in coloring from each other. Is there a standard color scheme they should have? They are gorgeous!!

I had never heard about Tahini until I tried making Hummus. It sounded so good! I love it in the Hummus, but I tried to eat it directly and it wasn't as tasty as I thought it would be.

I'm glad to hear the basement dwellers got right to work!
So we went in for the 38 week visit, and a few things.

Tested positive for Strep B, so I get antibiotics when I go into labor. Also I'll probably need the immunoglobulin shot because Husband is O+ and I'm O-.

Also, my amniotic fluid is borderline, so tomorrow I go in for a fetal monitoring and if the fluid gets lower then they're going to induce me. Fingers crossed that I make it to the 15th.

Good luck, I certainly pray all goes well.
Rh immunoglobulin is given either at 28 weeks or within 72 hours of birth to mothers who test negative for Rh-proteins on their hemoglobin. Typically such a situation doesn't effect firstborn children unless trauma or accidental blood mixing in utero but any child after who is born Rh-positive runs the risk of the mother's body producing antibodies against the Rh protein. This will mean that the baby could have severe issues like anemia because the antibodies are attacking and killing baby's blood cells.

Since my husband is Rh-positive and I'm Rh-negative there's a high chance of my kids being Rh-positive, which means that they'll test some placental blood at Honeybee's birth and if he's positive then I'll receive the immunoglobulin, which will prevent my body from producing the antibodies against Rh proteins.

As for having to go early, the doctor assures me that it being 38 weeks he SHOULD be fine. His growth has been 100% on track, and his fetal movement has him as one of the more active babies that she's seen. I've been assured that I probably will not go longer than either next week (which would make him only a week early) or his due date. I'm just wanting to do all I can to make sure he's born healthy, so if that means an induction or something more drastic then I'll do what it takes.
Thanks for explaining that, I don't even think discussion came up with the second set of kids about blood types EVER! I know the state requited everyone to get blood tests before marriage but not even sure what that was about! They don't do that anymore.

I wish you the very best! Easy delivery!!
secured 1000+ lbs of grain for the low low cost of 20 center cut pork chops, 2 hams and 5# of sausage.. I am tickled pink... I do de clair..
I have an uncle who was a single dad for a while. He trimmed trees for a living and the family tells stories about how he would take his d d out on a job with him and nail her dress to a nearby tree so she had to stay in one spot where he could see her while he was up in the tree he was working on.
Not sure if I should laugh or cry, because some kids need ummm not be left loose! Parents fault though

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