They're after your fruit trees. If any of it falls on the ground & starts to rot, they'll come in like a bear to a honey tree.
You’re right. It’s like they come out of the woodwork.
She's scoping things out, wondering if jumping the fence is really worth the effort in that heat.
And her brother is behind the gate as well just can’t see the twin for the gate. We think they were wanting to check our small dog out. Whatever they were doing the doe didn’t like it and was going crazy. Funniest thing I’ve seen in a while out of them. They are driving their mom nuts.
I have one last egg that has not hatched. Had 4 day 21, 1 on day 22. I am now most of the way thru day 23. This one pipped on the wrong end and gradually opened about a 1/2" hole in the shell. Membrane is still intact except for a little hole with the beak sticking out. She is breathing but not chipping away at the shell much now. I started to partially zip the shell going out about 1/4" from each side of the opening trying to not disturb the membrane. Should I just leave it and she if she continues or finish zipping and then leave it? Your help appreciated.
I have one last egg that has not hatched. Had 4 day 21, 1 on day 22. I am now most of the way thru day 23. This one pipped on the wrong end and gradually opened about a 1/2" hole in the shell. Membrane is still intact except for a little hole with the beak sticking out. She is breathing but not chipping away at the shell much now. I started to partially zip the shell going out about 1/4" from each side of the opening trying to not disturb the membrane. Should I just leave it and she if she continues or finish zipping and then leave it? Your help appreciated.
Good question I usually don’t help however if you haven’t had any bleeding and the chick is that late you might continue the zipped area. Stop if there’s any bleeding. How long has it been zipping?
Good question I usually don’t help however if you haven’t had any bleeding and the chick is that late you might continue the zipped area. Stop if there’s any bleeding. How long has it been zipping?
It pipped somewhere between midnight and 3 AM on day 21. The hole has been open since early evening yesterday. So about 36 hours +/-.

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