oh and as a way of introduction,  My Name is DuluthRalphie and I am a hatching addict.....

Dear Antfarm,  I do not even like eating geese let alone looking at them.:smack

And what about this beauty?

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Well finally after 36hours, one that has hatched (my new year babay born at 2h11 am) did poke another hole as if to help the other, but I did finish the job for the little guy since he was completly glued to his shell.  (he had piped at noon on the 31st and finally was out of it's shell at 8h45pm last night.

I'm glad they made it out for you. Are they the only two?
Sugar snap peas and snow peas, silly! They're so yummy!!!
I was going to plant Austrian winter peas for them this fall, but ran into a roadblock when the beds I wanted to use were all invaded with bermuda grass - I will need to dig it all out before the spring planting. Maybe next year...
Quote: Hmmmm... I will note this. Raw?

You know that both Comfrey and Jerusalem artichoke are invasive, right? (Not meaning it's bad to grow them, just to keep an eye on them...) I was looking both of them up online and ran into a number of horror stories.

These guys hatched today and yesterday. The last two eggs are both pipped.



Kari just stepped in the water bowl, peeped in alarm, and sat down on his toes. Silly boy!
You really have missed little ones, haven't you?

Just woke up from an unplanned nap (that happens when you get no sleep the night before). Out to go do chores, and also have a whack at that brush pile...

Whites, my Daisy air gun is loaded and ready!!!!

- Ant Farm
Sugar snap peas and snow peas, silly! They're so yummy!!! 

I was going to plant Austrian winter peas for them this fall, but ran into a roadblock when the beds I wanted to use were all invaded with bermuda grass - I will need to dig it all out before the spring planting. Maybe next year...
Hmmmm... I will note this. Raw?

You know that both Comfrey and Jerusalem artichoke are invasive, right? (Not meaning it's bad to grow them, just to keep an eye on them...) I was looking both of them up online and ran into a number of horror stories.

Yay!!!!!!! :jumpy

You really have missed little ones, haven't you? :D

Just woke up from an unplanned nap (that happens when you get no sleep the night before). Out to go do chores, and also have a whack at that brush pile...

Whites, my Daisy air gun is loaded and ready!!!! 

- Ant Farm

Yum, sugar snap peas! We just set a couple seeds to sprout (and some bush beans) :) We're going to grow them indoors beside the hydroponics set up :)
I'm glad they made it out for you. Are they the only two?
Well finally after 36hours, one that has hatched (my new year babay born at 2h11 am) did poke another hole as if to help the other, but I did finish the job for the little guy since he was completly glued to his shell. (he had piped at noon on the 31st and finally was out of it's shell at 8h45pm last night.

I had 4 eggs.. 3 are new year babies and waiting on 4th.. last one has internally piped, can hear him too. I'm at end of day 22 so, not too worried for this one.


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