78 is boiling, 72 is hot. 65 is warm, 45-55 is nice. 13 is good winter weather, and -40 is cold.
I'm with her...
So true..I am not sure I don't have heat stroke from being out in this stuff!..Poor me!
Poor you. :D
You guys are all crazy! It's 67 here and I've been hiding inside all day cause it's too chilly out! I prefer it when it's 75-85° outside. Hotter is fine but then we head to the pool or hide in the AC lol
Do you wanna switch places? I've got lots of room for turkeys. :thumbsup
I agree, Wicked complains entirely too much, doesn't she?
Pffft! Whatever! :tongue
The chanties don't like this weather much, but they're all right if they're in shade.
Some of mine are out sunning themselves. :th
I'm with her...

Poor you. :D

Do you wanna switch places? I've got lots of room for turkeys. :thumbsup

Pffft! Whatever! :tongue

Some of mine are out sunning themselves. :th
I think I need to tell my chanties to stop being wussy.

At least they're not as bad as Jazzy. She starts panting, acting lethargic, and holding her wings out at about 74°F.
Most of mine are inside now, I cannot have their feathers fading in the sun this time of year. I need them to be nice and dark bay colored for the next 3 months.

Ed complains about not being able to free range, but he will get over it and I will let him free range in March.
You should put a sun shade out for them and apply sunscreen. Maybe fan them so they have a cool :clap
Nice? Nice? :duc
I gotta agree with the wussy dog owner.
Any idea what your blood Alcohol level is now that your hydrating?
Yes. A lovely clean zero. Gosh...who can drink in the heat? (Not me)
:lau I'll have to remember not to ask for that! Ouch! :eek:
Jace, on the other hand, is my Florida birdy. She requires me to warm her feet if it goes below 40, and she gets brought in if it goes much below -15F. She thrives on the rare 88° days and I don't think I've ever seen her pant.
You should put a sun shade out for them and apply sunscreen. Maybe fan them so they have a cool :clap

I gotta agree with the wussy dog owner.

Yes. A lovely clean zero. Gosh...who can drink in the heat? (Not me)

:lau I'll have to remember not to ask for that! Ouch! :eek:
I think they draw the line at sunscreen.

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