EE “straight run” purchase from TSC


Premium Feather Member
12 Years
Apr 13, 2011
Knowing I was going to be homebound for weeks, I decided to just run to Tractor Supply to buy some chicks, rather than wait for mail order. They are now 4-5 weeks old.
Back story: I have been trying for 9 years to get a blue or green egg layer for my small backyard flock, and failed every time, for various reasons.
TSC had EEs (labeled as “Americanas”) but they were straight run...Against my better judgement, I bought 2 and also picked up 3 interesting bantams (also straight run. 😬)
As far as the EEs go, they were different from each other from the start. One feathered out much quicker, one has a larger comb, one has spur buds and one is larger. But not everything jives with what I’ve read online.
The first three photos are the one that feathered out really quickly. It has a smaller comb, but it is larger in size and is pretty feisty. No spur buds visible to me.



I’m thinking this next one is a cockerel? Bigger comb (3 ridges) feathered in more slowly, yet is smaller than the previous.
i just hope I have ONE hen, at least, or I’m giving up on colored eggs forever! 😂



In the first, the lack of red tint to the comb throws weight toward it being a pullet, but it's too early to confirm. I agree that the second has a moderate chance of being a cockerel, but again, it's too early to confirm.
The second one is definitely a cockerel.
The first one is still a wait a little longer and see for me. Kinda looking like a slower maturing cockerel.
I never go by how fast they feather in, overall size or spur buds myself. I've not found those as reliable indicators.
I think both may be boys. Second one I’m 99% sure bc awfully young for that much comb

The first one, I’m not sure, but my initial thought was possible male. There is a fair amount of red color on the shoulders, and the comb is fairly prominent for the age. This one is a wait and see. I’ll hope I’m wrong and it’s female.

I’m with @The Moonshiner on spurs/feathering/size ..,not reliable at this age.

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