EE a rooster? Or Mix breed?


Apr 23, 2021
My mother and I have been raising backyard chicken for about 8 years now. We have a new wave of chicks that we picked up at the beginning of March that we're raising and were quite confused about. Our first wave a chicken we had a few EE and they look like what we expected. In this wave, we picked up 9 EE and a few of them have this tuft of feathers on the top of their heads behind their combs. I'm starting to wonder if these are roos, a mixed breed, or are we overthinking it? Any help with this would be appreciated. (pictures attached below one of our silkies are in the background)

(Edit: I understand they are cross-bred you didn't have to be rude about it I meant a different cross than I've seen before, thanks. that was a very warm welcome)
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Easter eggers are already mixed breeds :) It's just a term for any non-purebred chicken that might lay green or blue eggs.

My guess is that these are EEs from a cross involving Cream Legbars, which do have crests.
Easter eggers are already mixed breeds :) It's just a term for any non-purebred chicken that might lay green or blue eggs.

My guess is that these are EEs from a cross involving Cream Legbars, which do have crests.
Thats interesting , I've never heard of those thank you. I'll do some research!

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