EE colouring / plumage - chicks vs/ adults --- Post your PICS!

I think this is what my EE "girl"  is going to turn into.  His/her sister is still very evenly golden red/white with a blue head but he/she is getting splotches of RED and grey in the wings.  Are EE's hard to vent sex too?  I have more mix-ups with my sexed EE pullets than any other breed.

EEs are so difficult to sex! They can keep you guessing right until they crow or lay an egg. :he its fascinating watching them change colors though.
I think this is what my EE "girl" is going to turn into. His/her sister is still very evenly golden red/white with a blue head but he/she is getting splotches of RED and grey in the wings. Are EE's hard to vent sex too? I have more mix-ups with my sexed EE pullets than any other breed.

I'm not sure. I'm new to the whole chicken thing, but when I was trying to convince myself that Caroline was going to stay Caroline (I was in denial) I learned A LOT about EE's. They fascinate me now. I love how you never know what they are going to look like. Out of 10 chicks, I only got one rooster, but it was one of my 3 EE's.
Thanks for the pics everyone. I thought I had Ameracauna's until I read your posts. Now I realize I have EE's. No big deal though.

Here's my three girls at 5 weeks..
Hi everyone! Finally made it to the end! 51 pages of awesomeness!

Now my turn!

They are both feed store buys and were supposed to be the same age. They are 2.5 weeks here.

The silver one(was told she was an Ameraucana, but this thread has taught me she is an EE) had been growing faster than the others and is bigger and has more feather growth. We've already named her Luna. She is in the front of the brood in the last two and the in the middle of the first pic.

This is the other Ameraucana-EE(she is still really small and hasn't grown as much as the others but she is the most tame and doesn't mind being held as much as the others do). Haven't figured out a permanent name for her but we call her Goldie for now.

Can't wait to see how they turn out and what color eggs we will get!
Well, here are new pics. The RIR turned out to be a rooster! :-( We are trying to find him a new home as I type as he is not allowed in the city...

The tiny Ameraucana-EE which I called Goldie is now Tiger Lily and she is in front of the RIR rooster. Luna is the white/tan/grey one on the top right and the sex-link(now named Peek-a-boo by my husband, NOT me!) is the golden brown and white speckled one in the front next to the BR.

This pic better shows Luna's feathery face!
I am new. I hope I do this right. There are so many pictures that don't show on this site. Very frustrating. So I hope I post mine correctly.
Cinnamon 2 days

5 days

13 days

16 days

31 days

38 days

11 weeks

She is so calm and sweet. I can hold her but she is the most curious. She used to jump up on my bed in the morning.
This is her at 5 months.

Are you sure this is female? I have one that is similar but the darker red that is starting to come in is scaring me that it might be a boy....I can keep him but I don't really need another rooster.
I was wondering as well. But because the orange is spread pretty evenly all over her in barring I wonder if she IS actually a she. Please keep us posted as to if she lays eggs or starts crowing. I am very interested.
Here are my two pullets. The first image is of them at about 2 weeks old. The darker one up front is Ginger, the lighter one in the back is Chiquita.

Here is Ginger at 5 months.

Here is Chiquita at 5 months. She has had a red comb since a couple months old and her beak started to cross at around 3 weeks. She is smaller than Ginger and cannot forage very well but seems to be doing great with the deep feeder we have.

We are still waiting for their first eggs. We have hopes that Ginger will lay a blue. We have 2 other EE's. One lays green the other a cream. So a blue would be a nice addition to the egg carton.

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