EE colouring / plumage - chicks vs/ adults --- Post your PICS!

Here are some pics of our first two EE pullets growing up.


A couple days old ^


A few weeks old ^


I'm guessing here they are about a month old? ^


A couple weeks later ^


This one is Daub, once she started feathering out she started getting a lot lighter colored ^


Wattle started getting darker ^


Still not laying eggs when this one was taken ^


Here is Wattle at 9 months. she's laying huge green eggs


Here is Daub at 9 months. She used to lay green eggs but she stopped laying for the past month. she's otherwise healthy, not broody or molting...
My roo looks just like yours.. with the red,,, he is maturing very slowly though, I would like to see more masculine feathering coming in. hes 4 1/2 months old.. but he is a real love.. he'll sit on my lap for hours sleeping, petting what ever he doesn't care he just love the sweet stuff. I will take pics of him and my two EE girls who are in lock up in the coop/kennel run till I get some Eggs.. I think they are laying somewhere in the yard or garden.. so till they get used to where they should be laying.. I know Im being cursed in chicken tonight.. they did not like getting locked up its been so hot that Ive been letting them roost in a tree right next to the coop. but its time for tough love.. I want those eggs.
All of these are from the age of two weeks. Will update as feathers come in:


302494_10150285806314634_540534633_7423409_288962_n by CT122, on Flickr

Annie 10:

308061_10150288884729634_540534633_7454339_1815984_n by CT122, on Flickr

Hawk (in the foreground; Annie 10 is in back):

296349_10150288884609634_540534633_7454338_1856224_n by CT122, on Flickr


314950_10150288884499634_540534633_7454337_7384111_n by CT122, on Flickr

295778_10150288883729634_540534633_7454330_7420803_n by CT122, on Flickr

From L to R: Annie, Hawk, Annie 10; Pet in front:

318664_10150288884409634_540534633_7454336_3591467_n by CT122, on Flickr

These were all sold as Americauna pullets.

Editing to add photos of my birds at age 12 weeks (well, almost, a few days shy). They are losing feathers like crazy, so I think it won't be long until they have their final "adult" look. My 8.5yo DD took these pics, and she didn't always get the birds "best side," but I think they are good for showing the coloring.

This is Annie in the center. She's mostly white, with very light freckling of salmon. Oddly, she has no beard or ruff to speak of (although I can't prove that with any photo I've got on my camera at the moment
), and is lighter bodied than the others. She also seems to be the only one capable of understanding things like "if we used the roosts to get up here, we can use the roosts to get back down again."

DSCN1512 by CT122, on Flickr

This is Annie 10. She's a real looker! Cream with heavy salmon speckling, really nice ruff. She's shy, but learning to trust me, and she thinks dark nail polish looks delicious.

DSCN1511 by CT122, on Flickr

This shows her colors quite well. Behind her are Pet and Hawk.

DSCN1515 by CT122, on Flickr

This is Hawk. She was the dark striped baby. The previous photo shows her sweet, almost songbird-like face. She's got a great ruff that gives her a "baby-cheeked" look. Most visitors to the coop agree that she's the best looking pullet of the lot. This photo shows her rich browns. Any white you can see is the result of her curiosity about my painting the window/coop-door frame, and is not part of her coloration. She is our friendliest bird, and first to test all snacks.

DSCN1510 by CT122, on Flickr

Finally Pet, my darling, the chipmunk striped chick, has grown into this handsome cockerel. Very splashy, he's got white, black, brown, and I think his butt-ruffle (there's a real name for that, right?) looks kind of blue. I can't wait to see the babies he fathers. He's not as fond of cuddling (with humans) as he used to be, but he's still friendly, and takes responsibility for the flock. If it's time to call it a night, he comes to get me to close the door.

DSCN1520 by CT122, on Flickr

Here's a good shot of his tail, which is black with green iridescence:

DSCN1518 by CT122, on Flickr

And, as a bonus, my daughter managed this shot of him from *inside* the feeder bucket. It is, as my 4yo son would say "kind of creepy."

DSCN1513 by CT122, on Flickr
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I only have pics of them when they were small and when they are grown sorry

This is Skittlez

This is Glory

And this is Glory and Porscha

Now for what they look like now.

Sorry its not a better pic they dont like to hold still they are camara shy




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Thanks for sharing photos of all of your awesome EEs! I got my first 6 a couple of weeks ago and it has been so neat to watch them changing. I can't wait to see how they finally feather out and if they all turn out to be pullets or not... (I'm wondering a bit about "Bettie" and "Fern")

a couple days old

2 weeks old

a couple days old

2 weeks old (pinkish comb already??)


a couple days old

2 weeks old

a couple days old

2 weeks old

a couple days old

2 weeks old

a couple days old

2 weeks old - the most prominent comb and thickest legs of the bunch...


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