EE colouring / plumage - chicks vs/ adults --- Post your PICS!

If I were you I'd have a back up name or two ready!
Hondo those are some beautiful boys. I so wish I could have a roo, I think my first choice would be EE. They are just so interesting looking!
I have been told that EE's are slow to mature? what age can I expect eggs and crowing? I know I have both sexes but neither is doing the normal thing.. hatched early april..??? any ideas?? they are getting laying crumbles, ( they waste the pellets) scratch grains, laying mash added onto the crumbles and daily healthy goodies.. their weight is good and they are healthy and no worms or body parasites.

The ones that I have every had are usually quite fast maturers. Mine started laying about 26 to 28 weeks of age. Some take a little longer than others tough.
I have heard that EEs don't start laying eggs until the 26+ week range. So I wasn't expecting at 21 weeks to get my first green egg, but there it was sitting all pretty in the nest box this past Sunday!! I know she had started squatting for the boys a week prior, but kept telling myself that she wouldn't lay for another month or more! WOO!

My EE roo, Lady, has been acting very roo-ish for a long time now, he didn't start turning red until a month or more after my BR roo, but he took over and is definitely the alpha male of the flock. He crows up a storm and is so very handsome.

Good luck! I'll have to get a picture of Ms. Wenifred and her lovely green eggs!
My rooster crowed for the first time at exactly 3 months. He didn't get really good at it for a few weeks tho.
. They are all18 weeks and the hens are not laying hyet.
Who was it that said the light chipmunk-striped ones tend to be boys? I'm afraid it's proving true in my case. Pet is the last to get feathers in, and "her" comb is noticeably pinker than any of the others. I even think I see little bumps where the spurs will be. Oh, what will I do?
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