EE egg shell color


Crossing the Road
14 Years
Oct 8, 2010
My 3 ee's lay greenish colored eggs, very pretty eggs. When I crack the eggs open the insides are blue but after being exposed to air for about an hour or so the inside of the shell turns white. Anyone else notice this and why does it happen?
Interesting question. I never noticed that when I had a green egg layer. Unfortunately someone dropped a couple of dogs off in the country and I no longer have a green egg layer so I can't experiment. They could have dropped those dogs off at the shelter for free and saved me a lot of trouble, but there is probably a good reason they did what they did. Probably that they are just dumb.

Are you sure you are looking at the inside of the shell and that you are not seeing the membrane on the inside dry out?
Ridgerunner I think you are right that it's the membrane drying out and not the shell!! thank you!
I am sorry you lost your hen to dogs :(

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