EE Faverolles gender


5 Years
Apr 3, 2014
Washington State
This is my 7 week old chick that hatched out of a green egg. To the best of my knowledge the mom was an Easter Egger and the dad is a Faverolles. Is it a cockerel or a pullet? This one really has me stumped. It developed a pink comb pretty early on, but the comb has not grown in size like the other cockerels have. I was going to cull "him", but it is so cute I'm hoping it ends up being a pullet. The chick isn't fighting at all with the other cockerels.

At 6 weeks
I can see why you are hoping its a pullet. This chick is gorgeous.

My gut instinct is telling me by that comb and some darker feathers coming in that you gave a little cockerel. I would think in a few weeks you'll know for sure. Good luck!
I'm also getting a roo-vibe from it, but no where near certain enough to cull for gender. I'd say hang on and see how things look in a month or so. Of course, if at any time it starts crowing, you'll have your answer.
I'm thinking pullet, personally. The comb isn't that large/red for the age. However, I'm not sure. The patchy red coloration is a little suspicious.
I agree with all of you! Someone is crowing in the coop in the darkness of morning, but with 3 other cockerels in there I don't know who it is. The patchy red color on an EE would indicate cockerel. From the salmon faverolles side of things, a cockerel would be dark and the pullets are white and tan. This bird's brother is very dark gray/black and looks just like a faverolles, plus he has a big comb. I'll post a pic of him later. The other 3 cockerels are sparing with each other, but this one is mellow! Fingers are crossed that it is a pullet. He/She gets to stay until fighting starts. So far so good!
Ten weeks old now. I'm still hopeful that "she" is a pullet. Starting to look less and less like a cockerel. Here she is with her "brother" the turken that is also 10 weeks old.


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