EE Feathering Speeding and Gender


May 10, 2021
Our EE Roo and EE hen pair produced a fast feathering (tail feathers by day 5) chick that is a rooster. Then they produced 3 new chicks that are slow feathering, just like flockmates (all EEs/mixes) that slow feathered and are hens. In EEs, can feather speed indicate sex of chicks once you know which is fast/slow? If that specific pair makes one fast feathering rooster, will all chicks that feather fast be roosters for them? Or because of genetic diversity, will they also produce slow feathering roosters?


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In EEs, can feather speed indicate sex of chicks once you know which is fast/slow? If that specific pair makes one fast feathering rooster, will all chicks that feather fast be roosters for them? Or because of genetic diversity, will they also produce slow feathering roosters?
They can produce males or females that feather at either speed.

It is possible to have a pair where all the sons feather slow, and all the daughters feather fast. But it is not possible (genetically speaking) to have a pair that always produces fast sons/slow daughters. It has to do with how the genes & chromosomes work-- one way is possible, the other is not.

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