EE Rooster behavior


In the Brooder
8 Years
Dec 23, 2011
Thought I had a hen, but turns out he wants to be different.
Can anyone tell me a quick run down on your EE rooster personality?
Do you think its consistent on EE roosters or they are pretty much all over the place as far as no specific behaviors?
Trying to figure out if I want to keep him and get attached as I normally do or try to prepare for a monster. RIght now he is 2.5 months and sweet to humans. I try to keep socializing with him and give him treats.
Sorry to say, from what I understand and have read here----you can't predict the temperament of the adult rooster from the chick behavior, or even the breed.

If you have little chidren and no way to insure that they will be 100% safe should the rooster become aggressive, then don't form an attachment.

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