EEEEE!!! They're starting, they're starting!!!


15 Years
Jan 7, 2009
Central Pennsyltucky
Well, my little button eggs are due at midnight tonight. I peeped in the incubator, just to check if I had any early pips, and, I have one that's totally zipped! I think some others are pipped, but I'm not 100% sure. I think I see little tiny egg shell crumbs.
I was going to call in sick today to get some housework done (lol), but now I know I have to go to work, or I'll have my nose pressed to the window all day long and not get any housework done OR get paid, lol.
You can't even begin to understand how exciting this is. I was honestly not totally sure that anything would hatch, my luck is so crummy most of the time. Yippy for buttons! And, it was a purple egg that started.
I am so happy for you!!! I have bobwhite and Pasofina eggies due Weds afternoon .... run upstairs, check, run downstairs, run upstairs --- hey maybe I'll lose weight!!!

I so understand crummy luck. I had 2 dozen gcm's from bayhorsebonne and not ONE developed. Ticked me off. Also had a 1/2 dozen from Funny Farm and only 2 hatched, but all developed. My fault 'cause I had to move them to the new house on day 20. Also had some from Iwan and none developed either.

In the bator ALL left are doing great. The bobbies are also "black" with babies and Pasofinos are doing great too. Can't see into those stinking gcm's though or the salmons! I've been really hands off this time though.
Awesome...I should have plenty of Jumbo Brown Coturnix hens for you and some Texas A&M possibly....maybe others too. Just let me know when you have some Slate/Silver Buttons....
Good Luck with the hatch! Hows that bator working out for you of mine?
Right before I left, the little guy was completely out. I think it was a slate, and I think there are more slates in the first batch than I thought, lol.

The LG is where they're at.
After this, it'll be my hatcher, but, honestly, it worked better than what most say about the LG's.
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And, Monarc, it's different, this little button was hatched by the person who can't get bettas to spawn! I couldn't even get my snails' eggs to hatch, and all I had to do was keep them moist, but I managed to hatch out a baby button.
Right before I left for work:

And, is this an unabsorbed yolk, a poop-turd or what?

That's the best picture I can get, I'm working with the LG, so the windows aren't exactly huge.

There's another running around, but he's hiding behind the thermometer, so I can't get a pic. I think that one is either going to be ivory or white, but it's hard to see into the incubator.
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