Egg bound hen. Please help ASAP!!!


6 Years
May 18, 2013
Palm City, Florida
My Black Sex Link, Beatrice, has been sick and is on antibiotics and antifungal medicines. She stopped laying three days ago and now has a swollen back end and sits a lot. Her tail is droopy and she can't lay. I have tried the warm bath three times along with putting her in a hot nesting box, and the gloved finger with KY in the bum but nothing is working. I have no idea what I'm feeling for anyway. If she doesn't lay an egg in the next two days, she will most likely die. I have tried so hard to save my little chicken and now it looks like she won't make it. Please someone help me. If anyone lives in the south Florida region and can help me, please contact me as soon as possible. I don't want to lose my little girl.
You've done everything I wouldve done. Try soaking her again in warm water up to her sides, gently massage her underside front to rear for about 15 minutes while she's soaking. Repeat as necessary. Then hopefully she'll lay an egg.
She might be an internal layer, if so, there's not much that can be done.
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How long can she go without laying an egg before it is too late? I can't find a vet open until Monday and that will make it 5 days without laying. She would lay up to 9 days in a row before taking a day off. She was a great layer. This is the first time she has stopped, but she is sick and I had to take her to the vet on Thursday to get her crop flushed.
You can try giving a human calcium pill or a calcium glutenate injection. the calcium helps them lay. If you can not find the calcium glutenate for injection a human calcium pill should work just fine. Hopefully the calcium will help her lay
I don't think you can get calcium gluconate anywhere but a hospital, and it would be a prescription drug for use in emergencies, so I think you just need to use oral calcium. Crushed egg shells work, but you probably shouldn't use them with the crop issues. How about milk or yogurt instead?
These might help you to check for an egg or masses.

I got the calcium gluconate from TSC. It is 23% Solution just like the bottle Kathy showed. How much do I inject? Where do I inject it? She only weighs about 4 lbs 2 ounces now because she has been sick.

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