Egg bound hen. Please help ASAP!!!

I ended up giving her a 1.5 ml shot under her pectoral muscle last night. So far nothing has happened. She is still alive this morning, but no egg. I don't know if I can give her another shot or when. I am going to give her some crushed up human calcium pills in just a little bit. Anyone know if I can give her another shot and when?
If there is an egg you should be able to feel it and you shouldn't have to insert your index finger must past the middle phalanx (see picture). The inside should feel smooth, but oviduct cancer is very common and sometimes you might feel small tumors. If she is an internal layer you might feel egg yolks floating in her abdominal cavity.

Not sure if it matters here, but shots should be given in the muscle (IM), under the skin (SC), or in the vein (IV), not under the muscle.

My Black Sex Link, Beatrice, has been sick and is on antibiotics and antifungal medicines. She stopped laying three days ago and now has a swollen back end and sits a lot. Her tail is droopy and she can't lay. I have tried the warm bath three times along with putting her in a hot nesting box, and the gloved finger with KY in the bum but nothing is working. I have no idea what I'm feeling for anyway. If she doesn't lay an egg in the next two days, she will most likely die. I have tried so hard to save my little chicken and now it looks like she won't make it. Please someone help me. If anyone lives in the south Florida region and can help me, please contact me as soon as possible. I don't want to lose my little girl.
Does it feel hard or does it feel like fluid?

It looks like a lump. I can't tell if it is really hard, but it is definitely a lump. I don't think it is fluid though. When I have stuck my finger in, I hit a "wall" like there is nowhere further to go. It just stops. I don't feel anything in there either. No tumors. I don't know how to go "up." I think I am going the wrong direction because I tend to just get bits of poop. She hates the bath and when I do the whole finger thing with the glove and the lube she just tenses up and it seems like I am making things worse.
Can you see all of the pictures I have posted? Here they are again:
These might help you to check for an egg or masses.

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Here is a picture of her hind end after today's bath. You can see the swollen lump. I tried the finger/lube thing and again I couldn't feel anything. I have locked her in the nesting area but she won't sit in the nest box.

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I ended up taking her to this wonderful vet and he did an x-ray on her and she isn't egg-bound. She just simply stopped laying. He stuck a needle in there and it was just fatty tissue in the lump under her vent. With all the medications she is on, the weight loss, and the stress, she has just stopped laying. It has been over three weeks since she has laid and she is doing fine. Hopefully she will lay again one day, but not until she is ready and feels better.

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