Egg bound? Pasty butt? Help!

Mimi Lover

5 Years
May 24, 2018
Hi, so one of my hens has been acting strange lately. She’s been standing puffed up a lot, and doesn’t walk around very often. At first I thought she was egg bound so I gave her the warm salt bath a couple times, and she seemed to improve after that, though I didn’t feel an egg. I also gave her a little oregano and hen electrolytes, and she has access to oyster shells. Her butts all poopy too, and I haven’t seen her poop. I wonder if it’s because her vent is blocked up with poop and that’s why she has been acting strangely. Attached are some pictures of her standing and what her butt looks like (if they’ll load 🙄). Please help!
How old is she, and does she lay eggs? I would get her vent area cleaned up with a quick warm shallow butt bath with soap and water, and dry her well. A bucket works well for that. Many hens may get messy vents in warm weather if they are drinking more water. Probiotics in the diet can be helpful. You can also get a fecal float done by a local vet if you take in several recent droppings to look for worms or coccidiosis. Reproductive disorders can cause some lose poops. Look her over for lice and mites. Feel of her crop early in the morning to make sure that her crop is emptying overnight. Do some research on vent gleet.
Thank you! She’s three years old, and she did lay eggs, though I haven’t seen her lay any for the past few days. I haven’t seen any mites or lice, and her crops been looking good.
Hey, so gave her a bath, and while I was drying her off I found that she has flystrike.😢 Picked some of the maggots out and put some peroxide on it. If any one has any helpful input I’d appreciate it! First time dealing with flystrike, let’s see how it goes...

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