egg bound question

still no egg today. She seems more energetic, eating and drinking but she is still dragging her tail.
Glad she is feeling better, active, and eating. She could get the extra calcium for several days. A human calcium tablet with vitamin D3 such as Caltrate or the generic version would be good. Hopefully, she will be alright.
Glad she is feeling better, active, and eating. She could get the extra calcium for several days. A human calcium tablet with vitamin D3 such as Caltrate or the generic version would be good. Hopefully, she will be alright.
now I'm wondering if she has ascites, she was swollen when I gave her the last soak. I'm going to soak her in a minute and pay attention if its soft or hard
Ascites, and internal laying are both common in chickens. They usually affect older hens though, but still are possible. Since she laid 3 days ago, I was still thinking it might be egg binding, but reproductive disorders are numerous and common. Salpingitis can happen, and they can have lash eggs that can be deposited in the abdomen or passed through the oviduct and can become stuck. Ascites can occur from both heart failure, and from internal laying/egg yolk peritonitis. Does she have any trouble walking or a penguin stance?
Ascites, and internal laying are both common in chickens. They usually affect older hens though, but still are possible. Since she laid 3 days ago, I was still thinking it might be egg binding, but reproductive disorders are numerous and common. Salpingitis can happen, and they can have lash eggs that can be deposited in the abdomen or passed through the oviduct and can become stuck. Ascites can occur from both heart failure, and from internal laying/egg yolk peritonitis. Does she have any trouble walking or a penguin stance?
She's waddling a bit, but definitely better than day before yesterday. She is eating and drinking. Her tail is still pointed down but she isn't stopping just to lay down trying to poop. She didn't like the eggs with the Tums, so I tried crushing a Tums in with some yogurt and laying crumbles; she was fond of that either. I gather she doesn't like tums haha. My wife and I will be giving her another soak right now and I'll examine further. Anything I should look for? I'll add that her vent looks normal, no swelling, bleeding etc
I break the tums and put a chunk in a cut up grape or I have put them into a kernel of can corn (grapes are eaiser) I’ve even hidden them in a small ball of bread. The trick I found was to give a couple pieces of plain grape first get her gobbling and slip the piece w/tums in it. Sometimes I gotta fool em’.
I have to take calcium tablets with vitamin D. Many oeople use those, and the bottles are huge. Maybe a friend could give you a handful, since with those you can break one in half and just put it into the beak for her to swallow. Those don’t have a bad or minty taste. Of course a ground up egg shell is pure calcium, so that can be used as well.
thanks all, Still no egg-she is eating and drinking and I was able to get a Tums down her yesterday afternoon by crushing and spreading it over a cut up persimmon. I will get some calcium tablets today based on Eggcessive's comment on the taste of the Tums. should I be giving her a special diet for now?
thanks all, Still no egg-she is eating and drinking and I was able to get a Tums down her yesterday afternoon by crushing and spreading it over a cut up persimmon. I will get some calcium tablets today based on Eggcessive's comment on the taste of the Tums. should I be giving her a special diet for now?
Well, I awoke this morning to an egg; yahoooo!

Thanks for all the comments and suggestions. I am keeping her separated fo a couple more days with the additional calcium routine

Thanks again, I appreciate it

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