Egg bound? sour crop? Tried everything not sure what to do


In the Brooder
Apr 19, 2024
I'm sorta new to BYC so i hope i posted this in the right area 😓
I'm worried its to late i noticed my bantam hen (Garnet) wasn't eating much at all 3 days ago and she was very easy to catch normally she's less tame than the others, so i brought her in and took a look at her. she wasn't sneezing or breathing hard her waste looked somewhat normal, but i noticed her crop hadn't emptied since yesterday and she hadn't barely eaten anything, it felt kinda squishy and in the middle very hard so i gave her a massage and digestive enzymes ,probiotics ,apple cider vinegar and parasite remedies just to be safe (seemed to help a little. Then i noticed she kept sitting in the nest but not laying any eggs (a couple times a day) she wasn't "penguin walking" felt near her abdomen area and didnt feel any eggs besides maybe what felt like one by her leg but i'm not sure how to tell. then i noticed her swallowing every time she when to put her head down like liquid was coming up and she has to put her head strait back up and swallow. Shes not swollen on the abdomen so i dont think its ascites. now she wont forage much at all and shes getting very thin, about the only thing she'll eat is a little bit of chick starter feed. i have been giving her lots of things for her but none is doing any thing Soaked her 5 times in warm epsom salts for 20 minutes each time, giving her lots of massages by the abdomen and crop, syringeing in oil of oregano, garlic oil, electrolytes, vitamin C, parasite remedies, digestive enzymes, probiotics, magnesium, apple cider vinegar, and salt. been giveing her free choice oyster shells and minerals in her water. She feels a bit hot on her under belly but im not sure if its normal or not so i rubbed olive oil on her vent and niaouli oil on her belly where is was hot (to stop infection just in case). I dont know if theres anything else left to do theres no vets who will take in chickens in my area. really unsure what it could be :(

( i might have missed other things i did for her in this forum)
I'm sorry to hear that your hen is doing poorly! Is there a smell coming from her beak? Like a pungent yeast smell? Give this a read, then reply with anything further you've discovered. I'd switch to coconut oil for the crop messages, chill it in the freezer then break off little pieces and feed them to your hen. (About 2 tsp)
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I'm dealing with a very stubborn slow crop right now too. I did epsom salt flush, Miconazole, coconut oil, massage, probiotics, apple cider vinegar in water, deworming, followed by acidified copper sulfate. Nothing worked! She is still pooping and eating chick feed, but her crop is full or at least half full every morning. She even laid several eggs during the first week of treatments, so she doesn't have reproductive issues. I'm giving her a few days of break with only oil and probiotics now. Will restart the treatment of acidified copper sulfate again. My guess is that her digestion system is half clogged by some grass and it will take some time to pass it. It's already 3 weeks and her crop seems a little smaller on the mornings. I hope it will keep to improve. Unfortunately, we just may not be able to fix it sometimes.
I'm sorry to hear that your hen is doing poorly! Is there a smell coming from her beak? Like a pungent yeast smell? Give this a read, then reply with anything further you've discovered. I'd switch to coconut oil for the crop messages, chill it in the freezer then break off little pieces and feed them to your hen. (About 2 tsp)
I really appreciate the reply! and thanks for the article. maybe a little bit of smell coming from her beak but part of it could be i'm smelling the treatment i'm giving her, i did try to give the coconut oil she ate a little bit. but i think the chances of it being sour crop are higher then impacted crop depending on the article but its really hard to say exactly whats wrong with her she has some of the symptoms of sour crop. i did notice shes vomiting up liquid when she puts her head down but could that also be being caused by a partial egg bound possibly if she cant poop completely?
Stop with all the herbs and oils, they won't help and could kill her.
What is her age, normal diet and what are parasite renedies?
Shes only 3, and she normally eats whole grains like, cracked corn, wheat, little bit of soy beans, peas, barley, oats flaxseeds, and sunflower seeds. sometimes i give her apple cores and always free access to oyster shells and minerals. parasite remedies include a few things, like black walnut (turned into liquid) and cayenne pepper, (typically). has saved a couple of my chickens lives.
I'm dealing with a very stubborn slow crop right now too. I did epsom salt flush, Miconazole, coconut oil, massage, probiotics, apple cider vinegar in water, deworming, followed by acidified copper sulfate. Nothing worked! She is still pooping and eating chick feed, but her crop is full or at least half full every morning. She even laid several eggs during the first week of treatments, so she doesn't have reproductive issues. I'm giving her a few days of break with only oil and probiotics now. Will restart the treatment of acidified copper sulfate again. My guess is that her digestion system is half clogged by some grass and it will take some time to pass it. It's already 3 weeks and her crop seems a little smaller on the mornings. I hope it will keep to improve. Unfortunately, we just may not be able to fix it sometimes.
Sorry to hear that sounds like impacted crop a bit. i hope she recovers. one rooster i had a wile back had something similar and i gave him probiotics and digestive enzymes twice a day. he seemed to get better fast. but if its similar to the issue im have with Garnet (the sick hen i explained) then im really not sure.
I really appreciate the reply! and thanks for the article. maybe a little bit of smell coming from her beak but part of it could be i'm smelling the treatment i'm giving her, i did try to give the coconut oil she ate a little bit. but i think the chances of it being sour crop are higher then impacted crop depending on the article but its really hard to say exactly whats wrong with her she has some of the symptoms of sour crop. i did notice shes vomiting up liquid when she puts her head down but could that also be being caused by a partial egg bound possibly if she cant poop completely?
When was the last time she laid?
Shes only 3, and she normally eats whole grains like, cracked corn, wheat, little bit of soy beans, peas, barley, oats flaxseeds, and sunflower seeds. sometimes i give her apple cores and always free access to oyster shells and minerals. parasite remedies include a few things, like black walnut (turned into liquid) and cayenne pepper, (typically). has saved a couple of my chickens lives.
Black pepper and cayenne have been disproved to have any real anthelmintic properties. Black walnut is a poison and is dangerous if you mis dose. I highly recommend you do a bit more research into natural anthelmintics before you try again, I'd hate for you to lose your birds over misinformation.
Do they get any real chicken feed at all or just those treats? Unfortunately, a diet like that does not lend well to health, low protein, low vitamin and mineral and high carb and fat. Diets like that can exacerbate genetic issues. Given her age and diet, I believe she has a serious reproductive infection, and Unfortunately, by the time birds show these symptoms, it's already too late. It might be best time to think about putting her to sleep, I'm sorry.
Black pepper and cayenne have been disproved to have any real anthelmintic properties. Black walnut is a poison and is dangerous if you mis dose. I highly recommend you do a bit more research into natural anthelmintics before you try again, I'd hate for you to lose your birds over misinformation.
Do they get any real chicken feed at all or just those treats? Unfortunately, a diet like that does not lend well to health, low protein, low vitamin and mineral and high carb and fat. Diets like that can exacerbate genetic issues. Given her age and diet, I believe she has a serious reproductive infection, and Unfortunately, by the time birds show these symptoms, it's already too late. It might be best time to think about putting her to sleep, I'm sorry.
Im Not mis dosing her i know the ratios on what to give on the black walnut and cayenne has healed my turkeys whenever they get parasite issues. they would die without it. and i would appreciate you please read everything i say before responding, as, the food i give her is not "treats" if you look at any chicken feed in feed stores most contain those grains i mentioned i feed my chickens, other than other minerals they add. if you did not read all on what i said )

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