I think Im dealing with an egg bound hen from what I have read. Im no expert so please let me know.
4 days ago my White Leg Horn (Sugar) laid her first double yoker. She has been laying for 7-8 weeks now and consistently 6 eggs a week. She has not laid an egg since the double yoker. Yesterday I started to worry a little but she seemed full of energy and looked normal when I let them out to free range. I thought maybe it is just because we shorter days, it has been colder. This morning she did not come out of the tractor roost/nest box with the other hens and when I went out to check she was in a nest box but she came off the nest box thinking I might be bringing treats. She was up in the nest box for at least 1 hour and no egg.
Im thinking if I come home from work and she has not laid an egg I might have to intervene.
My other 3 hens are laying with no issues.
What does this sound like to you?
4 days ago my White Leg Horn (Sugar) laid her first double yoker. She has been laying for 7-8 weeks now and consistently 6 eggs a week. She has not laid an egg since the double yoker. Yesterday I started to worry a little but she seemed full of energy and looked normal when I let them out to free range. I thought maybe it is just because we shorter days, it has been colder. This morning she did not come out of the tractor roost/nest box with the other hens and when I went out to check she was in a nest box but she came off the nest box thinking I might be bringing treats. She was up in the nest box for at least 1 hour and no egg.
Im thinking if I come home from work and she has not laid an egg I might have to intervene.
My other 3 hens are laying with no issues.
What does this sound like to you?