Egg candling.....


Dances with Chickens
14 Years
Feb 24, 2009
Strasburg Ohio
I am incubating five eggs. I can't resist. I've candles once a day. I skip a day sometimes. I'm very gentle. I'm seeing growth for sure. I have a week left. Things are darker each time I look. I'm nervous now because I'm not seeing much movement now. Before, I'd see the embryo move a tiny bit. These are shipped eggs. The air sacs seem oddly shaped. I hope at least a few hatch!!! I don't know if I'm cut out for this incubating! Now I'm worried that I candles too much......handled them improperly or something.......
They should be darker the closer they get. Remember the chick is growing ;) have you been monitoring the air cells?

Awe, thank you for your response. You're right about that....But I have been watching the air cells and they look too big, so I increased my humidity a bit. And the air cells are also shaped strangely. Maybe because they've been shipped the air cells are wonky? (Made that word up! LOL) But seriously. I hope some of them hatch.....I have two with a broody hen, so maybe mama will hatch two.
Awe, thank you for your response. You're right about that....But I have been watching the air cells and they look too big, so I increased my humidity a bit. And the air cells are also shaped strangely. Maybe because they've been shipped the air cells are wonky? (Made that word up! LOL) But seriously. I hope some of them hatch.....I have two with a broody hen, so maybe mama will hatch two.
Shipped are a bit tricky. I had some wonky air cells with some I bought online. :fl For some babies!

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