egg cartons


11 Years
Jul 10, 2010
southern AL
Ok, 3 ducks laying means more eggs than we can use without us eating way too many eggs on our own.

Does anybody know of a good place online to order 6 count egg cartons - for a decent price?
We don't want a buttload of them since it's just max 3 eggs a day, but at least enough to get us through a few months if we sell or give them away.
I don't know much about this, but there is and they are selling some six-count cartons that are seconds - I was looking at them myself, today.
Can you cut the dozens in half?
Not hijack this thread... but had anyone seen jumbo-sized paper 6-egg cartons? I've looked and looked and I can find plenty of jumbo-sized paper dozens, but not half-dozens. I don't want to cut the dozens in half because they are for retail sale and I don't think it looks good.

you are blessed with faithful family and friends. I did not buy any until I had none. Some are just not good at remembering to save or bring egg cartons. I have a boughten box of cartons so that when, not if, the freebies are all gone, I will have something to put eggs in.
i guess i am blessed than i have over a hundred stocked piled. i threw out probly 30 just because they were in my laundry room and i got sick of them because they were in my way.
Both DH and I thought we saw 1.49 on the 12 pack ones at Tractor Supply.
I stopped today when I bought dog food and checked again. Picked up four of them since we had a ton of eggs in the fridge already. They are indeed $0.49, not the 1.49 we thought we saw.
So I now have 2 dozen eggs in cartons in the fridge

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