egg color confusion


9 Years
May 10, 2010
so my pullets started laying about a week ago. but I'm confused because I have a green egg layer and a blue egg layer. To my knowledge the only breed I have that can lay green or blue is the EE, and I know for a fact that she's the green layer. I thought my other breeds- Buff Orpington, Australorp, Golden Lakenvelder, Gold-laced Wyandotte, and Dominique, layed either brown or white. Does anyone know if they can lay blue eggs or is my EE laying two different colored eggs every day?
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hmm... well maybe we didn't all the breeds we ordered then.
This won't help much but it's worth sharing.
several years ago a friend picked up a turkey off the highway - it had apparently fell out of one of those poultry trucks.
Anyway, we weren't sure it would live but we put it in a pen with some food and water and kept an eye on it. After a few days of just swaying back and forth and going 'bock' every now and then, it finally started walking around so we let it out. A week or so after that it started faning out it's tail and gobbeling - so we assumed it was a boy and named it Issac. Every morning I'd let him out and every evening he'd go back to his pen. Then one morning I found a large, white egg in there with him. Weird - one of the ducks must've gotten in here or something.... A couple of days later, there was a brown one. Then white with brown specks... then brown with white specks......
It took the poor thing about 10 eggs to settle down to the same thing every time (white with brown specks).
Oh - and her name was changed to Zikkie.
Ok, got my 3rd girl laying today-I think! I've been getting brown eggs for about 3 weeks now from the RIR mix. They are increasing in size but I know for sure its her.

Last week I started getting smaller brown eggs, very light brown actually and assumed it was the little BR but now pretty sure its from one of my EE's. Today after collecting the 2 different eggs I got a green one. It must be the other EE. Could that light brown small egg come from a EE?

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