Egg color different than what I expected?


5 Years
Aug 30, 2014
Sierra Vista, AZ
My Speckled Sussex have been laying for 10 months now. The three girls average just under 2 eggs per day here in Arizona. It is pretty predictable...small-medium to large brown eggs. My darkest hen (Hazel) lays the darkest eggs, and the lightest (Sunny) lays the lightest. My big hen, Big Girl, lays the biggest! Today my son went out to get the eggs (two today) and had a surprise...a white egg! Why did we get an unexpected color? Who else has got an egg color they weren't "egg"-specting??!!!
I don't know which of my three girls laid the egg, but she was one of the three in the first photo...a Speckled Sussex. I have only had brown eggs until today.

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