Egg color question

If any of you are interested in learning more about eggshell color genetics, I posted this article, which is a copy of a college paper I wrote. I learned a lot writing it, and it really got me excited about genetics, since eggshells seem like such a simple thing but so many genes and chemicals go into creating their color!
I've had the heavy bloom trait passed down through generations.

I believe @gimmie birdies , is working on grey Eggers, which are chickens that lay an olive egg with a heavy bloom.
Yes, sorry for the confusion. To clarify, I didn’t mean that it couldn’t be genetically passed down, but that it wasn’t a selected breed trait for orpingtons and Plymouth rocks, so not every one you buy will lay pink tinted eggs.
Hi I have three Easter egger bantams and I was wondering what color you would call these eggs. In a few weeks I'm purchasing silked Easter eggers because I was hoping for a blue egg. I was wondering if their eggs are more defined as blue than this? Thanks! Any other breeds you can suggest for color such as pink or other fun colors would be great! : ) Skyr
Those are blue.

I have one EE that lays blue, occasionally a dark blue, more frequently a light sky blue though, & an EE that lays a beautiful turquoise egg.

I will try to get a picture of the turquoise eggs.
Yeah photographing eggs is hard… there is a trick to it for sure. I have photos that just don’t get close at all to what I am seeing. Lighting and background colour seem to be part of the secret.
I should have explained better about my decision to get ameraucanas this time over easter eggers. Yes, breeders tend to have better stock and egg color quality control. But ameraucanas *should* lay a better blue egg even from a hatchery because they are guaranteed to have blue eggs genes from each parent vs an ee who may not. So I think if you want better blues you should get bantam ameraucanas.
As for pink eggs I agree with other posters that my barred rocks and my cuckoo marans tend to lay tan to darker brown eggs with a heavy bloom. It's not a guarantee but it's apparently true for me and several other people.

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