Egg color ?


10 Years
Jul 10, 2009
I have 1 red sex link that is laying ... and 10 others that are very close . She has been laying for 2 weeks , her eggs started out a peachy tan color and a matte finish , now they are getting darker brown and have a shine to them . I did get her switched over to layer pellets about a week ago .. is the change in color normal ? Is it normal for the eggs to go from matte to shiny ?Or do I have another mystery layer ? I can dream ... I am almost positive she has layed all the eggs .. she is VERY loud when she lays .
Interesting ... lighter huh ? They are definitely getting darker , they started almost the color of my BO's feathers and now are a light milk chocolate , the darkest of which I watched the red sex link lay ... I am a nosey chicken mom
I have 3 hens so it was very easy to see who was doing what. One always lays a shiny blue green egg, one always lays a matte green egg, and one always lays a light green almost white egg. One in a while the shape is different too, but for the most part they stay the same.
10 of my 12 total [ 1 in the chicken hospital .. they were being mean to her ] are brown layers ... so I am at a complete loss . I have been told that the black sex link lays a dark brown egg like a maran ... BUT I know my black sex link has not started alying yet . The shapes have been different on almost all of the ggs but she is new at this I can give her a break .
Reminds me of kids. How they can all be raised in the same household and turn out so differently. My two Barred Rocks are laying very different eggs. One is consistently small and light colored, the other is huge and very dark.

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