I hatched chicks from both blue and brown eggs from a farm down the road. The free-ranging flock has both a Cream Legbar rooster and a Rhode Island Red rooster. I hatched four blue eggs, two of which I'm certain were pure Cream Legbar. The other two appear to be mixes, so their sex is undetermined as yet. All the others were mostly light brown eggs, with a couple of dark brown eggs. Some of those are also mixes. Most of the chicks have not developed sufficiently to tell if they are pure RIR or mixed. I have been able to tell on one cockerel that is developing quickly-- he's definitely a Cream Legbar and Rhode Island Red mix. He's going to be pretty, but I don't know why I would need a mixed rooster. I included a photo at 5 weeks just because.
So, my real question, will the mixed pullets that are RIR/CL crosses be Easter Eggers with a light green egg, or are they considered Olive Eggers? Other genetic questions are: Is the Legbar crest dominant or recessive? My two pureblood CL are already showing small crests at 4 weeks. Will the mixes also have crests? Finally, is there anything in pure Cream Legbar or Rhode Island Red genetics that would produce partially white chicks? I have two young cockerels with different white and orange/brown feathers. Is that possible, or did I get eggs from an unknown chicken in the flock? The egg farmer only told me that he had two types already mentioned in the free-ranging flock. The photo of the chicks with white is at 2 weeks and again at 3 weeks.
So, my real question, will the mixed pullets that are RIR/CL crosses be Easter Eggers with a light green egg, or are they considered Olive Eggers? Other genetic questions are: Is the Legbar crest dominant or recessive? My two pureblood CL are already showing small crests at 4 weeks. Will the mixes also have crests? Finally, is there anything in pure Cream Legbar or Rhode Island Red genetics that would produce partially white chicks? I have two young cockerels with different white and orange/brown feathers. Is that possible, or did I get eggs from an unknown chicken in the flock? The egg farmer only told me that he had two types already mentioned in the free-ranging flock. The photo of the chicks with white is at 2 weeks and again at 3 weeks.