Egg donor


12 Years
Nov 14, 2009
Boyers, Pa
Why is it that my duck keep donating eggs to the broody hen?
No matter what nest I move that little silkie and her eggs, the khaki campbell sits on her head every morning and gives her an egg!

Any idea of how I can stop her? She has to be heavy! lol
I should try to get a picture! I only caught her once.....she's usually done by 7 am when I open the coop. That egg is there every day though lol

Unfortunately, I'm out of space right now. When I had 2 silkies sitting, the duck would give it to the one in the back of the coop. So after hers hatched I moved them to a small pen in the coop and at first the duck laid in the empty nest. Then she found the other silkie still sitting and started giving her the eggs. lol I had a BCM hen hatch eggs at the same she's in a pen on the coop floor too. I just don't have more room. I'm afraid if I move the silkie up to the 'normal' nest boxes she'll give up. Or get up to eat and forget where they are.
Perhaps she had a transfusion of Cuckoo or cowbird blood. They are big on allowing other birds to raise their young.

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