Egg gender selection survey

1. How many eggs to choose from for this incubation? 10

2. How many eggs set based on "female profile"? 0

3. How many eggs survived to day 18? 9

4. How many chicks hatched? 7, 2 chicks had to be culled in the first week.

5. Percentage of pullets in this hatch? 60%; 3 girls, 2 boys.

6. Hatch date? 2/13

These eggs were all laid by the same hen. She lays the same shape egg everyday. So there was no way to select for shape.
The total pullet percentage of my Valentine's Day hatch came to about 66.6%; with only a third of the chicks being cockerels.
1. How many eggs to choose from for this incubation? 10

2. How many eggs set based on "female profile"? 0

3. How many eggs survived to day 18? 9

4. How many chicks hatched? 7, 2 chicks had to be culled in the first week.

5. Percentage of pullets in this hatch? 60%; 3 girls, 2 boys.

6. Hatch date? 2/13

These eggs were all laid by the same hen. She lays the same shape egg everyday. So there was no way to select for shape.
The total pullet percentage of my Valentine's Day hatch came to about 66.6%; with only a third of the chicks being cockerels.

are those eggs round or pointy? my NNs lay pointy eggs but some of them are a bit less pointy. my bcm lays round eggs. I think they have always been exactly the same shape. I put 3 (under a hen) + 4 (under a muscovie duck) of her eggs and wait to see if they hatch.
are those eggs round or pointy? my NNs lay pointy eggs but some of them are a bit less pointy. my bcm lays round eggs. I think they have always been exactly the same shape. I put 3 (under a hen) + 4 (under a muscovie duck) of her eggs and wait to see if they hatch.
Neither round nor pointed. Her eggs are close to a perfect oval shape.
I've got a pullet that lays the same shape, and the same shade of blue. The only way I can tell the eggs apart is the size. My older hen's eggs are much bigger than my pullet, who has only been laying since January. My other Easter Egger lays rounded green eggs. I've eggs from all three in the incubator, due to hatch any day now. I'll be adding the results from that hatch to this page in another month or so.
1. How many eggs to choose from for this incubation? 8

2. How many eggs set based on "female profile"? 5

3. How many eggs survived to day 18? 4

4. How many chicks hatched? 3

5. Percentage of pullets in this hatch? 1?
6. Hatch date? Feb 9th

7. Comments: My friend hatched these under her broody, four hatched but one died soon after hatch. Of the remaining three, two have an obvious larger red comb already, so whilst this figure above is a guess, I am fairly certain. This hatch and my previous hatch (oct 1/4 pullet) are from my own BCM and she doesnt seem to fit the profile at all whereas last year I selected eggs from a farm where i had much more choice and I did definitelty have a much higher success rate. All year, not including the october hatch I had a total of 11 pullets to 4 cockerels. In the runner ducks I had less success with many more males than females but I do also think this is because the shells are so hard that only the strongest ducklings are able to hatch, these are generally the males.
1. How many eggs to choose from for this incubation? 8

2. How many eggs set based on "female profile"? 5

3. How many eggs survived to day 18? 4

4. How many chicks hatched? 3

5. Percentage of pullets in this hatch? 1?
6. Hatch date? Feb 9th

7. Comments: My friend hatched these under her broody, four hatched but one died soon after hatch. Of the remaining three, two have an obvious larger red comb already, so whilst this figure above is a guess, I am fairly certain. This hatch and my previous hatch (oct 1/4 pullet) are from my own BCM and she doesnt seem to fit the profile at all whereas last year I selected eggs from a farm where i had much more choice and I did definitelty have a much higher success rate. All year, not including the october hatch I had a total of 11 pullets to 4 cockerels. In the runner ducks I had less success with many more males than females but I do also think this is because the shells are so hard that only the strongest ducklings are able to hatch, these are generally the males.
Sorry not from my BCM, from my Cuckoo marans. My BCM seems to lay girls mostly.
This is interesting I'll have to try it when I get my new incubator. I have 5 eggs in a diy incubator on day ten all are alive most of my hens lay pretty rounded eggs I have fingers crossed they make it to hatch. I can see the embroyos "swimming" my home made incubator is very very low tech lol I'm amazed these 5 are still alive I started with 7 eggs. The 2 that didn't develop well I opened them they were not even fertile. All 5 eggs are pretty rounded 4 easter egger and 1 either barred rock or partridge rock. Their eggs are so similarly colored I can't tell the difference unless I spend a day in the coop waiting for them to lay them lol!
1. How many eggs to choose from for this incubation? 9

2. How many eggs set based on "female profile"? 9

3. How many eggs survived to day 18? 9

4. How many chicks hatched? 9

5. Percentage of pullets in this hatch? 8 hens out of nine chickes.

6. Hatch date? December 5th

7. Comments: Include: I chose my eggs based on the size and roundness per egg laid by bird. I took into account the slightest differences and chose a medium sized egg over a larger egg. The one egg that had a rooster.. I noted was oddly shaped.
[COLOR=333333]1.   How many eggs to choose from for this incubation?  9[/COLOR]

[COLOR=333333]2.   How many eggs set based on "female profile"? 9 [/COLOR]

[COLOR=333333]3.   How many eggs survived to day 18? 9[/COLOR]

[COLOR=333333]4.   How many chicks hatched? 9[/COLOR]

[COLOR=333333]5.   Percentage of pullets in this hatch? 8 hens out of nine chickes.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=333333]6.   Hatch date?  December 5th[/COLOR]

[COLOR=333333]7.   Comments:  Include: I chose my eggs based on the size and roundness per egg laid by bird. I took into account the slightest differences and chose a medium sized egg over a larger egg. The one egg that had a rooster.. I noted was oddly shaped.[/COLOR]

That's amazing!!!

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