Egg incubating fiasco - advice please! *New Pictures!*

Oh, but you know what, for the first day I *do* put a towel in there because their little feet are not ready for the rough surface of the straw. Even paper towels with a rough texture should work fine. If you have any rubber shelf liner, it's perfect for this purpose and you can throw it away when you're done if you want (though I rinse it off and re-use it). They don't poop much the first couple days anyway, so it's really not that gross.
WOW!! So happy for you coming to get an update on your eggs..i have been following from the beginning and had my fingers crossed for you the whole time. Well done so far, you really have beaten the odds getting them this far.
Okay straw it is then
I'll tell her they don't poop much during the first couple of days and she should let me use towels then
Then we'll move to straw.

Slight dilemma though, my mum's going out soon and I think we may only have time to either go and get the food or go and get the brooder stuff. Which one's more urgent? We can go out tomorrow afternoon but which one's better?

Thanks ducky! You crossing your fingers obviously worked!
Have a question to people who know ducks? I often start my chicks with ground up boiled eggs. Seems to jump start them really well. Will that work for AdamD77's ducks until he gets some food? Also don't forget the water, it can stay in a small dish set in a shallow pie pan. It will help with spills.
Well, we went to Homebase and got a few things. They didn't have any heat lamps, so we got another desk lamp since that seems to have worked okay for us so far! Towel in the bottom, thermometer for now but will probably move back into incubator soon, mini waterer and cuddly toy duck
Here it is:


Mum will go to get some food tomorrow after her shift (around 10ish), will he be okay 'til then?

Have seen some more movement from #13, but not much in the way of developments...

Cute photo of #14
He's a lot fluffier now!

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Sooooo cute! You're doing a great job! I'm totally chuffed for you! I watch too much bbc.

edited to add: I think the duckling should be named "Fiasco"
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sooooo sooo cute! well done adam!! I'd second the chopped up boiled egg yolk as emergancy starter food too

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