egg is stuck inside skin and is hanging on the hens bottom

does rosey look ok o you all in her eyes?
scratch feed is fine to give her, as long as she has access to some fine grit too (feed her outside, she'll take what she wants). chick starter too.

the pasty butt thing, yes does look like that. sometimes much worse.

and soaking in warm-hot water will help it loosen but it takes time, maybe 15-20 minutes, done a couple times over the day. if you have a thermometer that can get wet, run the hot water to soak her in. if it's less than 90 degrees then it's going to feel cold to her. but you don't want over 100 probably.. remember, a birds body temp is about 103-104ish, so what's warm to you might be cold to her.

and i might suggest put her into whatever you're filling to soak, and maybe run the water in while she's standing there. so she can get used to it more gradually than just plunking her in it all at once. also, i think i would put some soap right on the pasty areas, just before putting the water in. use a liquid soap. hand soap, dish soap, or even baby shampoo. the soap will stick to it well if it's dry first, then as you add the water the soap will help soften up everything and wash away clean.

if you do have a kitchen sprayer (or even a hand-held shower sprayer would work) that would be even better. don't spray on it hard, but just a gentle stream of warm water to move the gunk off as it softens. but i would still use soap too (again a liquid soap, don't need to be scrubbing the area). and tell hubby you're using the kitchen sink. don't ask.
it can be cleaned again when you're done. chicken dirt does NOT permanently contaminate anything that soap and water can clean.

i've had all manner of critters in my kitchen sink at one time or another over my lifetime, and the sink is still there.
Feeding her the chick starter sounds like a good option since that is what you have got that is nutrient rich and easy to digest.

I see her purplish comb, which is worth reporting to your vet tomorrow. You have probably started making a list of all the questions you want to ask the vet including, "what if she tries to lay another egg?" I would add to the list, "What are any signs of infection that I should look for?"

Let's hope she doesn't lay another egg soon. That is very good motivation for keeping Rosey in low light.

Rosey looks alert and like she is moving around okay. That is good to see
That booty looks bad. I forgot in your previous posts... did your vet give her an antibiotic? Does her rear area smell bad, not just poo bad, but worse... like infected flesh?

I would definitely put some peroxide/water mixed half/half on that rump. Don't put full strength peroxide as that will sting really really bad. I'm thinking that the vet should probably have another look at her rear end. She may need an antibiotic, if she isn't taking one already, or a stronger/different kind of antibiotic.

Check out this website of chicken anatomy (down there): It might be helpful. If she is swollen down there from the whole egg problem, it might be very difficult for her to poo. She might need some help from the vet again, unfortunately. I know it is a pain in the wallet to visit the vet, but if you really want the best for this chickie, then it is the best thing to do. Money is replaceable, pets are not.

I hope Rosie makes a full recovery.
the first vet on monday gave her an antibiotic shot. i dont know how long they last though. this is not really hard on her bottom its more mushy and cumbly of some sort. hubby wants to wait and talk to vet tomorrow. i want to try to get a little off.
took a pic of her poop. sometimes its thicker than this it was this morning. it looks normal but there at times is a clear liquid that comes out . what is thta?
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Ok, good luck!
You are doing an awesome job!

Thanks for keeping everyone updated with pics and everything. This thread could be a lifesaver to another person someday.

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