Egg layers

I hope that helps Tony but look for the dried ones not fried ones . lol I am just teasing you. I think if you can find someone with a game camera if the don't help you may find what is going on from just watching the play back. You will find out if someone is taking them or if they are being eaten by something else.
Nice to meet you Tony. I hope you find the answer to your missing eggs question. I do wonder if "someone" is appropriating them when you are at work, or just not home.
I think hens generally lay early in the day and that would give 2 legged predators a good window to take them before you come home. Sad to say it happens a lot more than people would think.
I have an 18'x12' coop with a 30'x18' run, the hens can come and go as they please. I have 2 feeders so they can eat as they please. I feed about a pound of mixed grain(oats, milo and sunflower seeds) morning and evening. And they have 2 waterers. They have very little stress. In January/February i was getting 10-12 eggs a day, it suddenly dropped to 2-4 eggs a day. How can I get them to lay more?

Sometimes cooped up chickens won't lay. When i go away for a weekend or something and leave them in the run i come back to no eggs. Do you give them treats? Happy hens lay more eggs.
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