Egg laying, can you explain and Production whites???

Double T

9 Years
Mar 11, 2011
W Texas
Found an ad for some production white pullets, they have just started laying, two weeks ago, and she told me they were laying pullet eggs, oh and the eggs were white. I've never heard of a production white, and wanted to get some more info. How do they lay? and how long? I ask becuase I jumped up and bought 6 two year old hens, and had one, and if I get 4 or 5 eggs a day I'm doing good, and it's a bit annoying, don't want to feed 'em if they aren't gonna lay, have 4 red star pullets but they aren't old enough yet, and 29 nearly 4 week old pullets (I hope), so will have a bunch but it's gonna be a while. I want eggs now, lol
Do you think they could be a white leghorn? I have a black sex link production chicken.
honestly I don't know, lol but I'm pretty new to chickens. Never had them before, and we've moved to a place that has a really nice chicken house with one hen that I'm now convinced is a Cherry egger. I ended up with a Freecycle EE cross rooster cause Little Red Hen was lonely and depressed, and bought 3 Silver laced Wyadottes, and 3 buff orpington hens, that were supposed to be 2 years old, they don't lay much, little red lays a egg a day for about 10 to 11 days straight and then takes a day break, I LOVE her. LOL Ended up buying 4 8week old supposedly Red Star pullets but they look more like RIR's, and then the baby's are supposed to be 5 buff,5rir,5 ee, 5 Barred Rocks, 5 Cherry egger pullets and 2 EE roos, plus 2 extra of something, lol. So far the barred I can tell, and I've been able to tell the buff and EE 's that are yellow apart cause the EE's have blue/dark legs, but the Cherry eggers and RIR's I'm lost on, lol, they ALL look alike. So not feeling too confident in my chicken purchases so far. I did them all based on what I read on the net, so I figured before I get anything else, I'm gonna ask the ones that have chickens. LOL Main goal is a chicken that will lay a brown egg and preferrably one a day. I know these new ones are supposed to lay white but I'm also trying to get enough to sell eggs for feed money. Then comes the deal of what do you do with a chicken that isn't laying and just eating up your feed??? And the Rooster is supposed to be like 8 or 9 months old, and I love CJ, he's a corker and loves to talk to you and follow you around and sweet as can be, but he's not covering my hens, or the eggs aren't showing if he is. LOL

I thought I took or read Chicken 101 but think I need a lot more educating. lol

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