Egg Laying - Christmas Lights

Never thought of using Christmas lights before. Right now, during winter, I have a single bulb on a timer. I set it to turn on on the early morning to give them 12 hours of light. Christmas lights might be pretty. Just wondering, can you use colored? Would they give off enough light?
You just might get colored eggs....

Just kidding.

You can get the white led light strings.. I use fluorescent lights in my chicken shack. 12 hours on timer.
Christmas lights huh?

I might just give that a try. My 7 hens early this summer were giving me 5-7 eggs a day, and by the way started laying early last winter/late fall.
I was gone a lot this summer and had someone taking care of them for me without any problems, I'll ask tomorrow how many eggs they laid this summer. When I was home this summer I did get the normal amount of eggs. but now I get 2-3 eggs a day, and I also let them out in the yard, which I've only done in the fall due to them destroying my perennials, which I allow at this time of year.
I really don't want to light up my backyard, but I'll give it a try. I do have electricity in the hen house for the cookie tin heater, so that will make it easier.
Thanks for the tip.
I've had great success using the famous youtube trick of putting a forty watt bulb inside a cinder block and placing the metal waterer on top. Solves the frozen water problem adds a few BTUs to keep them comfy and gives them enough light to keep laying all in one go. Win, win, win.

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