Egg laying


7 Years
Nov 4, 2015
I have three hens that are about 10 months old. They started laying eggs around 6 mos old this summer. But then each one went thru a phase where they would sit in the nesting box all day and sit on eggs. I would have to move them in order to retrieve the eggs. It’s the third one that has been doing it for a number of weeks now and no one is laying eggs anymore since she got in there. I’ve been taking the cover off the nesting box during the day to at least prompt her to get out because I was afraid she wasn’t eating or drinking. I do see her out occasionally now but definitely goes back in at night. I put the cover back on at night as well. I’m thinking the other two don’t like her now and kind of stay away from her when she’s out. Should I separate them? From the research I’ve done I think they’re Americana’s.
I have three hens that are about 10 months old. They started laying eggs around 6 mos old this summer. But then each one went thru a phase where they would sit in the nesting box all day and sit on eggs. I would have to move them in order to retrieve the eggs. It’s the third one that has been doing it for a number of weeks now and no one is laying eggs anymore since she got in there. I’ve been taking the cover off the nesting box during the day to at least prompt her to get out because I was afraid she wasn’t eating or drinking. I do see her out occasionally now but definitely goes back in at night. I put the cover back on at night as well. I’m thinking the other two don’t like her now and kind of stay away from her when she’s out. Should I separate them? From the research I’ve done I think they’re Americana’s.
It sounds like she's broody, so yeah, I bet the others don't like her very much now!

Does she flatten out, puff up and shriek when you try to take her off the nest?
Does she peck or bite your hands?
Does she walk around like a turkey when you remove her making a cluck, cluck, cluck ticking noise?
If yes to any of these, she's broody and you need to break her.
Put a small wire dog crate in the coop up on two blocks to elevate it out of the bedding. Put a piece of 2x4 or something flat and stable for her to perch on inside the crate along with food and water and leave her in there for three days and two nights. At the end of the third day prior to roost time, let her out and monitor her to see that she doesn't bee line back to the nest box.
If she roosts with the others, great.
If she goes back to the nest box, remove her and put her back in the crate for another night and day and try again the next night.
x2 to what DobieLover said. Breaking a broody works best when done immediately, so you may have a harder time breaking the bird that's already sat this long. Broodies are cranky and moody so that's why the other 2 birds are staying away from her.

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