Quick question about the egg life longevity. When I get some eggs, I will brush some of the bedding off and place it in a re-used egg carton. I just found out, my fiance has been washing them with water and placing them in the cartons.
How long will the eggs last if they are not washed and not refrigerated
How long will they eggs last if they are not washed and refrigerated
How long will the eggs last if they are washed and not refrigerated
How long will the eggs last if they are washed and refrigerated.
Thanks for all the help, i just do not want to give anyone any bad eggs. We have the ones that have small shell cracks, but not the membrane and we just give them to the dogs. Keeps the coats shiny. I know that they are probably still good, I just dont want to risk anything.
How long will the eggs last if they are not washed and not refrigerated
How long will they eggs last if they are not washed and refrigerated
How long will the eggs last if they are washed and not refrigerated
How long will the eggs last if they are washed and refrigerated.
Thanks for all the help, i just do not want to give anyone any bad eggs. We have the ones that have small shell cracks, but not the membrane and we just give them to the dogs. Keeps the coats shiny. I know that they are probably still good, I just dont want to risk anything.