egg pipped, yolk leaked out


10 Years
Aug 1, 2009
the back of my horse
Yesterday some of my eggs started to pip. This morning I found a pool of yolk under one of them. I quickly got the egg out, but am wondering if it's safe to leave the yolk in there. I'm thinking bacteria or whatnot when the others hatch. I don't want to open the bator anymore at this stage, but do I need to clean that out? Also, does anyone know why this happened?
I've never had it happen, but my best guess is that it's okay to leave it there for now. Babies hatching is always a messy affair at the best of times, and it's only going to get messier before it's all said and done. Opening the incubator to clean up could compromise the hatching ability for your remaining eggs. And bacteria build-up is really something that happens over time--I wouldn't expect a single yolk leakage to explode with bacteria right off.

Good luck--sorry about the unlucky one.

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