Egg Price

3 bucks for 12 here in Central Texas, and they have to bring an egg carton.

Remember, good fresh organic farm eggs at Whole Foods go by 2.59 or so for 6!
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We have people drive as far as from Chicago to get our eggs. When Chicago people come to their summer homes around the lake in the spring and summer the girls can't keep up and each year we end up adding an extra 25 pullets each spring.
$2 per dozen with a waiting list. Soemegive us $3/doz without being asked, that say they want to be sure to stay on our "priority list" !!!

Since I feel that I would like to eat more eggs, rather than DD selling them (teenager = gas money after feed bill is payed!) we are getting 9 more chicks next month that should start laying in early Fall. We have 6 RIR right now that we bought at point of lay last Fall.
I'm in so.cen. Ill. People have told me that they're not going to buy 1.00/doz when they can go to Aldi's and get them for 85cents. Freshness is not a factor for some people in this economy.
I plan on charging $4. Sold my first dozen this week to a friend. I told her that I was thinking of $3-4/doz, because comparable eggs are $4-6 in local stores. My friend gave me $6!!

Think I'll give her some free eggs in a few weeks. I feel weird about it. I think she thought I was hinting at $6, which I wasn't.
I'm in the Mojave Desert north of Los Angeles and I get $2.50 but I could get more because my eggs are labeled as free range and organic.

They actually fight over the eggs at work.


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