Egg problem!


Apr 20, 2016
Vancouver, WA
We got our first egg two days ago!! Was so excited and as a first time chicken mama I expected that we would be getting one a day from now on. It's been two days since the first egg and nothing! Is that normal?
Are you feeding them layer feed or oyster shells?? Mine just started laying within the last week also and we have gone a day without getting one (I have three-one I expect will take a lot longer to being laying than the rest) but I think that's normal. Some chicken breeds also don't lay every day. I wouldn't worry just yet
Yes, normal....most birds do not lay every day, except maybe sexlinks or other high production breeds.
New layers can take up to a month or so to get things all smoothed out...Meanwhile, eggs everywhere, some of them can be rather funky looking, soft or thin shelled, huge double yolked eggs.

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