Egg-size lump on Bantam's chest


9 Years
Nov 27, 2010
I'm hoping some one can help me. One of my bantams has an egg-size lump on one side of her chest. The lump is soft and appears to be underneath the skin, as I can move it around with my fingers. Has anyone seen this before and/or can anyone offer any suggestions. Thanks

We live in North Queensland on a 5 acre property.
this sounds like her crop... if the swelling goes down by morning it was a full crop meaning she ate very well...LOL

her crop is where the food goes to get ground up by the stones for her to digest.. its all quite normal
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Don't fee bad either, you're not the first person to have asked this question.
This is good! Now you know where the crop is. From time to time, when you are picking them up, it's good to feel their crops so you know what they feel like at various times of day. When they are sick, you will want to check their crops and know how they compare with when they are well.
Thanks for that - we have had them for 18 months but have rarely picked them up as they are too hard to catch so we haven't noticed this before. I haven't seen this with our 2 big hens though?? Is just 'a bantam thing' or do all poultry have it?
Really sounds like the crop
It's where all the food goes after your birdie eats
check it again early in the morning BEFORE they eat, if it's gone, it was definatly her crop
all poultry have crops.
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When I first got my chickens (four months ago) I picked one up and felt their crop and thought something was wrong too. Then before I panicked I went and picked up another one,looking to see if they had it too. When they did, I realized that it was their crop I was feeling. Scared me at first though.

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