Egg size


Jul 29, 2016
Okay. I got my first egg yesterday and a second one today. I'm not sure who laid it, but it was brown and very small. I've got Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rock, ISA Brown, Buff Orpington, and Easter Eggers. My question is: Are all first eggs small? I mean it's really pretty small.
Same here. Sometimes I get a decent size first egg, but most are 30% undersized at least. Some even come yolkless.

Give her time, she'll get the hang of it!
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My girls just started to lay and we got mini eggs for about a week and now they're getting bigger. Congrats on your first egg!! :)
Most of mine started at 1.2oz eggs that were about 2" long and 4" around.
Some increased egg size quickly, others took longer.
Based on my egg log, the ones who started laying a little later (22-24 weeks) moved up to large eggs much faster. The two that started first at 20 weeks are still giving me small-medium (1.6-1.8oz) eggs at 9 months- most of the others are laying large eggs, some bordering on extra large, consistently.

Congratulations on the first egg!
I'm looking back now at when I first got the chicks. They couldn't have been over a week old when I got them. So that means whoever has started laying is only 15 weeks old. Wow. That's pretty early. Hope it's a good thing!

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