Egg sizes

Vargas GIRLS

7 Years
Jun 26, 2012
Centennial, Colorado
We have 5 egg laying girls:

3 Barred Rock
2 Rhode Island Red

The 1st egg came when they were just 18 weeks old. Every day we have found one single egg in a nesting box.
Today there were 2 eggs. We assume that only the Rhode Island Reds are laying these eggs.
The sizes of the eggs are very small. Will this change with time? And how much time?
The picture I enclose is a comparison to a store-bought grade AA extra-large white egg.

In a couple of days, they all will be 20 weeks old. When might the Barred Rock start laying?

All 5 have survived the big heat wave here in Colorado by giving them plenty of shade, blocks of ice and a blowing fan with mist.
Now the temperature became normal to the season with a lot of rain from the Gulf monsoon.

Notice: the egg laying from the Rhode Island Reds was not influenced by the unbearable heat.

Your comments would be greatly appreciated by the Vargas Girls.

Those are your pullet eggs. They will naturally be small as a pullet first begins her lay cycle. Over time they will gradually grow larger anywhere from a couple of weeks to a month or thereabouts. Now that they are all twenty weeks old you can expect the others to begin laying any day now, but possibly not for another couple of weeks. Their eggs will start small as well then gradually grow larger. Chances are you'll end up with eggs in the large to extra-large range at full maturity. When they start their second lay cycle next year you may end up with eggs in the extra-large to jumbo range though not as many of them.
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the eggs I'm getting every day now are exactly like that. LOL we have a few that are getting a bit bigger now... but today.. once again.. TEENY TINY little one so someone else just started. I'm wondering when my eggs will stop getting snickers from the neighbors when I give them their eggs. ;)

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