Egg smashed while hatching under broody


9 Years
Feb 13, 2013
New Carlisle, Indiana
Story goes like this.

Broody blrw. Sat on turkey eggs for 30 days. 2 hatched 1 killed. The last baby removed. (it is with 10 other poults atm doing well) I set her on some chicken eggs, she hatched 2/3, again 1 killed. 1 didn't finish hatching, it died. I locked her up to break her.

2nd broody blrw. I put the last egg of broody 1 under broody 2 to finish hatching, while sitting on her own which are due tomorrow, brought that chick inside. Its 5 days old in the brooder.

Well this morning 2/2 eggs pipped at breakfast. I go out a couple of hours later, one egg smashed, chick still alive and moving, although I can see a lot of the chick, (half of the shell is cracked and gone, membrane still intact but a tear) egg yolk and blood. (Its been about 45 minutes and still moving and resting) I have her sitting in a bowl, with a damp paper towel, heated towel under a 250 watt red lamp. The other egg has a hole pipped in the shell and the membrane, it continues to chirp and peck at shell.

I put both eggs in their own bowl set up the same. I have no incubator, so I'm improvising. My indoor/outdoor thermometer reads 101 temp and 53% humidity. Is this close to helping those eggs hatch?

Both blrw are first time broody and 1 1/2 years old

Thanks for any help, as I am truly lost


If this is in the wrong area, please move it thanks!
The smashed egg didn't make it.

This is where the pipped egg is at. I did help it finish zipping and the end of the egg came off all at once. Mama hen sure did a number on these eggs, it was actually cracked pretty good to, not smashed like the other one, but. The inner membrane is still intact for the most part. I see some veins, but no bleeding. It's little beak poking out is the only part where it's totally opened at. So its just resting and chirping.

Its under a heating blanket on low temp is 97.3 atm humidity is at 57% im guessing it will just finish hatching on its own. Hopefully i dont have to help it anymore.

Any advice is very much appreciated


I found some eggs like you described under one of my broodies this summer. I took the first one and put it in the incubator but it didn't survive. The second one I rescued did survive! I had to help with the hatching. The egg was crushed pretty good but somehow the membrane stayed intact. The membrane did dry out and get tough so when I realized it was trying to hatch I helped tear the membrane. The chick was totally normal when it finally kicked the rest of the way out.

If you have it warm enough to keep it alive it has a good chance of hatching. Keep us posted.

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