Egg stealing


In the Brooder
Feb 4, 2017
So here's what has been happening,
I have 2 pekin lady ducks who each lay daily. And I also have 1 rouen drake. Everything has been great for months until recently. I've been going to collect eggs and have noticed they are broken and eaten, shell still left behind. So my first thought was I had a rogue duck. I placed 3 fake eggs in the nest yesterday, this morning they were gone. Any ideas what's going on? I looked everywhere and could not find the fake eggs. I'm completely baffled at this, I've never had any problems before. Please help! I miss cooking with my duck eggs lol.
Their nest area is under a tin cover, 3 sides and is about 8 feet back. I have to craw back there to get the eggs as they lay them in the very back. I've seen crows around but I didn't think they would take the fake eggs. Apparently I was wrong. And we have mice but I haven't seen a rat. Also there's been 2 bull snakes and a cal king snake on the property. I live on 5 acres in AZ, there's wildlife/predators everywhere. Any suggestions on what I can do? We've been here 6 months and this all started about 3 weeks ago. I'm going to start uncovering stuff to see if maybe they are being rolled off/hidden by something.
Oh gosh, never thought of that. What a vicious circle! Lol. Wish there was something I could do to protect the eggs :(

And thank you! I'll definitely follow the thread :)

Every living creature has to eat, and sometimes their path in searching for food lead's them to places that we do not want them to be. Yes, that is the circle of life. Your welcome!

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