EGG SWAP (Columbia County, NY) "so far" list of eggs POSTED

Guess what, guys?! I am so super excited about this... The Columbia newspaper contacted me after reading my post on Craigs List and asked if they could print an article about my egg swap! Cool, right?! And, on top of that, I recieved like 7 more people that responded to the ad and said they would definately come...woohoo! I can't even imagine how many more people will be brought in once the article gets put in the paper!
Had to share...too excited not to!

~Jap. Bantams
~Easter Egg (EE) mixes
~EE X New Hampshire Reds
~Buff Orpingtons **
~Rhode Island Reds **
~Coturnix Quail
~Barnyard mix**
~Easter Eggers
~Polish Frizzles

** -indicates that multiple people have said that they are bring that breed

If you have not yet informed me of what you are going to bring, please do so as soon as you can/know. Thanks.


some people are in search of...

~Ringneck Pheasants

If you plan on bringing any of these, please let me know so I can add them to the list.

Thanks so much,
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I need everyones opinion.....I am looking into a few different places....3 are inside and of course are going to cost something and 1 is outside and would be free. What do you think? I know that if we do it inside, we wont have to worry about weather conditions but the outside place is free and I have and can get big pavilion tents to put up. Also, I am thinking either the 14th or the 21st of April. K, everyone, cant wait to hear what you think :0) ~Nikki~
Outside will be fine but we need to consider that April can be COLD and RAINY or sunny and georgous. Ugh. How much would the inside place cost? If we are only there say 1/2 day then outside would be fine with the tents no matter the weather. If we are looking at an all day affair then that makes it tricky. What do the others think?

My vote is.....

outside - by April I like to be out no matter the weather.

ETA - looking for a female red-golden pheasant, asap!
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I think I am leaning towards's free, we will all have cabin fever and want to be outside and I am only planning for about 3-4 hours. I think the 21st would be a good date to have it as well because it will not only give our chickens more time to start laying again but it SHOULD be kinda nice out by then, God willing. The place that is outside is right on Rt. 9 in Styvestant Falls, so it will be super easy for everyone to find! Thank you, guys! Always appreciate your help!

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