EGG SWAP (Columbia County, NY) "so far" list of eggs POSTED

One last thing... I have some "test run" eggs in the bator that are supposed to hatch tonight. If they do, does anyone want some chicks?
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One last thing... I have some "test run" eggs in the bator that are supposed to hatch tonight. If they do, does anyone want some chicks?

what kind of chicks? Trade for Sumatra hatching eggs? Like I need more chicks
I have NO IDEA what kind of chicks they are. The little boy from the farm next to me brought them over to put with my test eggs from my white leghorn fathered by my golden duckwing araucana...unfortunately, none of mine have hatched...yet. Still have my fingers crossed
I candled some of them and took out the ones that were clearly dead, then did eggtopsies on them. Most of them had itty bitty babies that died very early on and a couple werent fertile. Im not too sure why that happened...wish I did know. If any of them hatch, I will bring the babies and you are more than welcome to them.

what kind of chicks? Trade for Sumatra hatching eggs? Like I need more chicks
Ok, the new updated list is up! If you see anything that I have missed and not put in, please let me know. If anyone need directions to the swap, just ask. Also, I wanted to bring some type of crockpot food like discussed earlier on but I am not going to have an type of electric to plug it into. So, unless I can figure out something to make that will hold its own temp. or not matter if it is slightly cooled off, there will only be muffins and such. If anyone wants to bring something to put on the "goodies" table...please dont hesitate :0) Unfortunately, I have not found any folding chairs so we might all just be standing around...sorry!
Cant wait to see everyone on Saturday!!!!!
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We should bring our own chairs, at least I will my old knees can't take too much standing around, lol.

Does anyone want some coturnix quail? babies just turned 6 weeks today and already crowing and got 2 tiny eggs these past 2 days, so at least one is laying.

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