Egg wait anyone???

Not sure if it will work but I strategically placed a few golf balls in the nest boxes to see if it would encourage our girls. I'll report back if it works!
I have three girls that were all laying and I went to North Carolina for two weeks and my husband was only getting one to two eggs a day, I thought that maybe one was laying outside so I looked all over our three and a half acre farm and found nothing, so today I am leaving them in chicky jail to see what is happening!! I also have 18 chickens that will be 24 weeks on Monday and they haven't started to lay yet any idea when I should expect an egg from them? They are a mixed batch that we got from McMurray hatchery.
I'm at 22 weeks without eggs from my Plymouth White Rock, looks like she has been ready for a week or so now, real red face and waddles.

We finally got our first egg. The woman that we bought our chicks from said that they were born in April, but compared to other hens their size (body, combs and wattles) they only look to be about 5 months old.

We got one small egg (the size of a med. in the store) that is a beautiful bluish green. That surprises me for an aussie, because they are supposed to lay light brown eggs - but I don't mind! An egg is an egg!

They just got their combs and wattles in the past 2 weeks:)

Best of luck to everyone waiting - we are still waiting for 3 of the 4!
I'm at week 17 tomorrow. Two of my BAs look like this.

The other one has a big bright red comb and kind of squats when i put my hand on her back. She looks like she's about ready to lay, i guess, but it's too soon right?
It took mine a little over 7 months to lay their first egg. I have 2 Jersey Giants, 1 Rhode Island Red, 1 EE and 1 Red Sexlink. Hope is does not take as long for yours to lay as it did for mine:D
Any eggs from yours yet? Your aussie looks about the same maturity as mine:)

No eggs, no squatting, no signs at all
I think she'll take FOREVER
My BA's are the only non layers at this point. 24 weeks. They squat, but don't "lay squat."

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