Egg with a soft shell?


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 11, 2012
Ok, so I have had chickens for about a year now, and love them with all of my heart. However, unfortunately one of my hens was attacked the other day. She is fine, but a nice bit of her flesh was deeply tron out. She is recovering now, and i have been nursing her back to health. But here is where I get worried. The day of the accident my hen layed a soft egg... like a full egg with a sort of sac like case. It held the shape of an egg and all, so I just figured it to be a sign of stress. Like she accidently layed a premature egg. Yet a few days have passed, and she has not given any more eggs? One of my other hens stopped laying as well.... What can I expect to happen next!!?? They all seem to be fine, but obviously something is wrong! ANY ADVICE WOULD BE GREATLY APRECIATED!
Not sure about the soft shell, but egg laying can stop due to stress. After she heals up she should eventually start laying again. Right now her energies are being put into healing.

Humans do this too- no period for months with constant high level stress.

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