Egg-xactly when will they lay?


In the Brooder
May 7, 2016
All are just over 16 weeks old. I've read that once the combs and wattles start turning a bright red, egg laying can't be far off. Mostly just noticed a difference in color on my GLW. Any and all comments are welcome. Thanks!

As far as I can tell, eggs come somewhere around 20 weeks, give or take a week or so. My Black Sex Link, Wonder Woman, was 20 weeks old on Sunday (8/7/2016) and today she's seemed rather interested in the nesting boxes. Now if my Red Sex Link, Sam, would just let her settle in, I might get an egg from her! Miss Bossy Beak is determined to keep her place as queen of the roost.
My girls are about 16 weeks old, and one of my EEs has been very vocal and has started squatting. Her comb is also more developed than her two other EE "sisters". I'm thinking that mine will lay pretty soon, and probably yours as well. Has yours started squatting yet? Agree that 20 weeks or later is typical, but there are some that lay early and I think my EE is going to be one of them. My RIRs are actually a bit older and have also recently had their combs darken and wattles grow, but neither are as vocal as our EE and they haven't squatted yet.

The girl in question. Comb looks paler there, but I think it's the flash.
Well, it seems Wonder Woman was able to get a little peace and quiet! She laid her first egg just a little bit ago! Maybe an hour, at most. It was still pretty warm when I found it. So that puts her first egg at about 20 1/2 weeks. Hope that helps.

Here's the egg where I found it in the brooder box. It has a little blood on it, but that's fairly normal from all I've read for a first time layer.

Here's Wonder Woman, enjoying some canteloupe. Chief Dan George is our resident photo bomb chicken.
Them combs look small, I think you got 4 more weeks.
My golden comets are early layers and 2 of the 5 started at about 4 months. They will be 19 weeks tomorrow and I still have 3 freeloaders. GC
My girls are about 16 weeks old, and one of my EEs has been very vocal and has started squatting. Her comb is also more developed than her two other EE "sisters". I'm thinking that mine will lay pretty soon, and probably yours as well. Has yours started squatting yet? Agree that 20 weeks or later is typical, but there are some that lay early and I think my EE is going to be one of them. My RIRs are actually a bit older and have also recently had their combs darken and wattles grow, but neither are as vocal as our EE and they haven't squatted yet.

The girl in question. Comb looks paler there, but I think it's the flash.
I have 2 EEs that started both squatting at 14 weeks! Exactly one month later, TODAY!!!, I got my first teeny tiny .9oz blue egg. It's the longest I've ever had a pullet squat before laying, so I was a bit curious, but definitely started today!
All are just over 16 weeks old. I've read that once the combs and wattles start turning a bright red, egg laying can't be far off. Mostly just noticed a difference in color on my GLW. Any and all comments are welcome. Thanks!
18 to 24 weeks is the most common range for most breeds.
Redder combs is just the beginning....pullets can drive you nuts getting redder then pale again with exertion and relaxation respectively.

Signs of onset of lay---I've found the pelvic points to be the most accurate.
If you touch their back they will hunker down on the ground, then shake their tail feathers when they get back up.
This shows they are sexually mature and egg laying is close at hand.

Combs and Wattles:
Plump, shiny red - usually means laying.
Shriveled, dryish looking and pale - usually means not laying.
Tho I have found that the combs and wattles can look full and red one minute then pale back out the next due to exertion or excitement, can drive ya nuts when waiting for a pullet to lay!

Dry, tight, and smaller - usually not laying.
Moist, wide, and larger - usually laying

Pelvic Points 2 bony points(pelvic bones) on either side of vent:
Less than 2 fingertip widths apart usually means not laying.
More than 2 fingertip widths apart usually means laying.
I have 2 EEs that started both squatting at 14 weeks! Exactly one month later, TODAY!!!, I got my first teeny tiny .9oz blue egg. It's the longest I've ever had a pullet squat before laying, so I was a bit curious, but definitely started today!

Hmm that's interesting. I'll have to see how long it takes!
Congrats! Looks pretty good for a first egg.

Thanks! I'm pretty proud of her. ^_^ My daughter chose her as a little bitty chick at IFA, so I cooked the egg for her this morning for breakfast. The yolk was a very rich yellow, almost orange. Wonder Woman is a great layer!

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